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Title: Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca dalam Produksi Minyak Kelapa Sawit berdasarkan Panduan yang Berbeda
Other Titles: Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Palm Oil Production under Different Guidelines
Authors: Anwar, Syaiful
Sahari, Bandung
Amri, Nada Nisrina
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penelitian mengenai emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) dalam produksi minyak kelapa sawit berdasarkan penghitungan Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC), Greenhouse Gas Protocol and Science Based Target initiative Forest, Land and Agriculture (GHG Protocol SBTi FLAG), draf Inventarisasi Gas Rumah Kaca Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (IGRK KLHK), dan Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) dilakukan pada bulan Juli hingga November 2023. Pengambilan data dilakukan di perkebunan kelapa sawit dengan pabrik olah Tandan Buah Segar (TBS) di Desa Pangkalan Pisang, Kecamatan Koto Gasib, Kabupaten Siak, Provinsi Riau. Luas lahan kebun kelapa sawit yang diteliti adalah 6.406,8 ha terdiri dari tanah mineral seluas 4.183 ha, tanah gambut seluas 2.178 ha dan lahan yang digunakan sebagai areal konservasi seluas 45,8 ha. Data diperoleh dari catatan aktivitas kebun dan pabrik sepanjang tahun 2022 yang terekam dalam Integrated Farming System (IFS) yang kemudian dikonfirmasi secara langsung dari manager yang bertanggung jawab untuk aspek ini. TBS yang diolah sebanyak 260.658 ton berasal dari kebun inti inti sejumlah 130.998 ton, dari petani di kebun plasma sebesar 45.949 ton dan petani swadaya 83.711 ton. Dalam proses pengolahan TBS di pabrik, dihasilkan produk utama berupa Crude Palm Oil (CPO) sebanyak 50.975 ton. Selain itu, terdapat produk sekunder berupa produksi kernel sebanyak 13.396 ton, serat (fibre) sebanyak 29.773 ton, cangkang (shell) sebanyak 10.740 ton, dan produksi bungkil kelapa sawit sebanyak 1.070 ton. Analisis kesenjangan sumber emisi dilakukan dengan membandingkan panduan penghitungan emisi GRK, antara lain prosedur penilaian GRK RSPO new development, dokumen emisi GRK ISCC 205, draf Land Sector and Removals Guidance, dokumen prosedur Forest, Land and Agriculture Science-Based TargetSetting, dan buku metodologi penghitungann reduksi emisi dan/atau peningkatan serapan GRK yang kemudian total emisi GRK dihitung berdasarkan lifecycle cradle to gate, yaitu mulai dari (1) land comversion, (2) kegiatan agronomi (operasi perkebunan), dan (3) pengolahan minyak kelapa sawit di pabrik. Pendekatan LCA dan panduan IPCC sebagai acuan dalam penelitian ini. Panduan penghitungan emisi GRK yang berbeda menghasilkan hasil yang beragam dalam mengidentifikasi sumber emisi, termasuk yang tercakup dan tidak tercakup antara lain, cut-off date, crop sequestration, gambut, area konservasi, pupuk, pestisida, herbisida, bahan bakar, bahan kimia, Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME), dan Global Warming Potential (GWP) yang memiliki dampak pada rencana mitigasi penurunan emisi GRK. Dalam RSPO dan ISCC tercakup cut-off date sedangkan panduan yang lain tidak tercakup. Sumber emisi dari gambut dan area konservasi tidak tercakup untuk ISCC. Pestisida, herbisida dan bahan kimia dalam RSPO tidak tercakup. Dalam GHG Protocol SBTi FLAG terdiri dari dua sektor yaitu FLAG dan non FLAG. Nilai GWP yang digunakan berbeda, RSPO menggunakan IPCC AR4, ISCC IPCC AR3, GHG Protocol AR4 dan target FLAG hanya GWP CO2 IPCC AR6, dan draf IGRK KLHK menggunakan IPCC AR2. Panduan penghitungan emisi GRK yang berbeda menghasilkan nilai total emisi yang berbeda, yaitu LCA menghasilkan total emisi GRK sebesar -6.083 tCO2eq/tahun atau -0,10 tCO2eq/tCPO, RSPO sebesar -23.616 tCO2eq/tahun atau -0,46 tCO2eq/tCPO, ISCC sebesar 32.469 tCO2eq/tahun atau 0,63 tCO2eq/tCPO, GHG Protocol SBTi FLAG tidak dihitung dalam total emisi, tetapi dicatat secara terpisah yaitu FLAG sebesar 47.948 tCO2eq/tahun atau 0,94 tCO2eq/tCPO dan non FLAG sebesar 26.150 tCO2eq/tahun atau 0,51 tCO2eq/tCPO, sementara itu, draf IGRK KLHK sebesar 159.299 tCO2eq/tahun atau 3,10 tCO2eq/tCPO. Secara keseluruhan sumber emisi GRK yang menghasilkan nilai yang tinggi bersumber dari gambut, LCA (90.286 tCO2eq/tahun), RSPO (2.149 tCO2eq/tahun), GHG Protocol SBTi FLAG (90.286 tCO2eq/tahun), draf IGRK KLHK (113.029 tCO2eq/tahun). Sedangkan dalam ISCC tidak dihitungkan, yang tertinggi hasil emisi dari POME. Penerapan cut-off date dan tidak diakomodasinya sumbersumber emisi dalam perhitungan total emisi GRK seperti land conversion dan lahan gambut memberikan dampak yang signifikan pada angka akhir emisi. Upaya penurunan emisi dari POME dapat teratasi dengan bantuan methane capture dan upaya penurunan emisi dari gambut dapat diatasi dengan tata air yang baik.
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission levels in palm oil production calculated with guidelines provided by Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC), Greenhouse Gas Protocol and Science Based Target initiative Forest, Land and Agriculture (GHG Protocol SBTi FLAG), the draft Greenhouse Gas Inventory of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF GHG Inventory draft), and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was studied between July and November 2023. Data collection was conducted in an oil palm plantation with a Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) processing plant in Pangkalan Pisang Village, Koto Gasib District, Siak Regency, Riau Province. The total area of the oil palm plantation studied was 6,406.8 ha consisting of 4,183 ha of mineral soil, 2,178 ha of peat soil, and 45.8 ha of land used as a conservation area. Data was obtained from the records of farm and mill activities throughout 2022 recorded in the Integrated Farming System (IFS) and then confirmed directly by the manager responsible for this aspect. Total FFB processed was 260,658 tons, coming nucleus plantation of 130,998 tons, plasma plantations of 45,949 tons, and independent smallholders of 83,711 tons. In the process of processing FFB in the mill, the main product in the form of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) was produced as much as 50,975 tons. In addition, there are secondary products in the form of kernel production of 13,396 tons, fiber of 29,773 tons, shell of 10,740 tons, and palm oil cake production of 1,070 tons. The emission source gap analysis was conducted by comparing GHG emission calculation guidelines, including the RSPO new development GHG assessment procedure, ISCC 205 GHG emission document, draft Land Sector and Removals Guidance, Forest, Land, and Agriculture Science-Based Target-Setting procedure document, The total GHG emissions are then calculated based on the cradle to gate lifecycle, starting from (1) land conversion, (2) agronomic activities (plantation operations), and (3) palm oil processing at the mill. The LCA approach and IPCC guidelines are used as references in this study. Different GHG emission accounting guidelines produce mixed results in identifying emission sources, including those that are and are not covered, including cut-off dates, crop sequestration, peat, conservation areas, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fuels, chemicals, Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME), and Global Warming Potential (GWP) that have an impact on GHG emission reduction mitigation plans. The RSPO and ISCC cover cut-off dates while other guidelines do not. Emission sources from peat and conservation areas are not covered by ISCC. Pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals in RSPO are not covered. In the GHG Protocol SBTi FLAG consists of two sectors, FLAG and non-FLAG. The GWP values used are different, RSPO uses IPCC AR4, ISCC IPCC AR3, GHG Protocol AR4, and FLAG targets only GWP CO2 IPCC AR6, and the MoEF GHG Inventory draft uses IPCC AR2. Different GHG emission calculation guidelines produce different total emission values, LCA produces total GHG emissions of –6,083 tCO2eq/year or -0.10 tCO2eq/tCPO, RSPO of -23,616 tCO2eq/year or -0.46 tCO2eq/tCPO, ISCC of 32.469 tCO2eq/year or 0.63 tCO2eq/tCPO, GHG Protocol SBTi FLAG is not calculated in the total emissions but is recorded separately as FLAG of 47,948 tCO2eq/year or 0.94 tCO2eq/tCPO and non-FLAG of 26,150 tCO2eq/year or 0.51 tCO2eq/tCPO, while MoEF GHG Inventory draft of 159,299 tCO2eq/year or 3.10 tCO2eq/tCPO. Overall GHG emission sources that produce high values come from peat, LCA (90,286 tCO2eq/year), RSPO (2,149 tCO2eq/year), GHG Protocol SBTi FLAG (90,286 tCO2eq/year), MoEF GHG Inventory draft (113,029 tCO2eq/year). While in ISCC it is not calculated, the highest emission results from POME. The application of cut-off dates and non accommodation of emission sources in the calculation of total GHG emissions have a significant impact on the final emission figures. Efforts to reduce emissions from POME can be overcome with the help of methane capture and efforts to reduce emissions from peat can be overcome with good water management.
Appears in Collections:DT - Multidiciplinary Program

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