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Title: Analisis Hemoglobin Pada Daging Sapi Menggunakan Metode Pencitraan Digital Dengan Prinsip Kolorimetri
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Authors: Santoso, Koekoeh
Latif, Hadri
Arasy, Fauzan Tiko
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Daging sapi merupakan bahan pangan asal hewan yang kebutuhannya terus meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk. Kualitas daging yang dikonsumsi harus diperhatikan. Salah satu uji yang dilakukan untuk analisis kualitas daging yaitu melihat kesempurnaan pengeluaran darah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan kamera ponsel dan scanner dalam mengukur kadar hemoglobin pada daging sapi yang disembelih menggunakan metode stunning dan non stunning. Penelitian ini menggunakan 9 sapi yang disembelih dengan metode stunning dan 9 ekor non stunning. Masing-masing sapi diambil sampel daging musculus longissimus dorsi (n=9) untuk analisis kadar hemoglobin. Daging dicacah untuk dibuat ekstrak. Ekstrak daging yang telah direaksikan dengan malachite green kemudian diuji menggunakan spektrofotometer, kamera ponsel dan scanner. Gambar dari kamera ponsel dan scanner kemudian diolah dengan menggunakan aplikasi ImageJ. Hasil uji korelasi mengindikasikan adanya hubungan yang sangat kuat antara kamera ponsel dan spektrofotometer, serta hubungan kuat antara scanner dan spektrofotometer. Hasil pengukuran kadar Hb menggunakan kamera ponsel dan scanner memiliki kesesuaian dengan spektrofotometer. Kamera ponsel dan scanner dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk menganalisis kadar hemoglobin pada daging sapi yang disembelih menggunakan metode stunning dan non stunning.
Beef is a food of animal origin whose demand continues to increase along with the increasing population. The quality of meat consumed must be considered. One of the tests carried out to measure the quality of meat is to see the perfection of blood expenditure. This study was conducted to determine the ability of cellphone cameras and scanners to measure hemoglobin levels in beef slaughtered using stunning and non-stunning methods. This study used 9 cows that were slaughtered using stunning method and 9 cows that were slaughtered using non- stunning method. Each cow was sampled from the musculus longissimus dorsi muscle (n=9) for hemoglobin analysis. Beef was shredded to make extracts. Beef extract that has been reacted with malachite green is then tested using a spectrophotometer, camera phone and scanner. The results of the images from the camera phone and scanner were then processed using the ImageJ. The correlation test results indicated a very strong relationship between camera phones and spectrophotometers, as well as a strong relationship between scanners and spectrophotometers. The results of measuring Hb levels using cell phone cameras and scanners are in agreement with the spectrophotometer. Mobile phone cameras and scanners can be used as tools to analyze hemoglobin levels in beef slaughtered using stunning and non-stunning methods.
Appears in Collections:UT - Anatomy, Phisiology and Pharmacology

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