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Title: Intercropping Models For Smallholder Coffee Farmers In Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province
Authors: Aminah, Mimin
Wachjar, Ade
Budhi, Gelar Satya
Rafani, Iqbal
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: Coffee plays an important role in regional economy. In West Lampung regency for instance, coffee is base sector as advancing commodity and having competitiveness with contributing to Growth Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) and absorbing the labor as well as sharing additional local income from processed coffee of about IDR 2,91 trillion annually (Marlina, 2014). Hence, coffee would potentially spur regional economic growth including household income. Tanggamus regency is the second largest producing area of Robusta coffee in Lampung province, after West Lampung regency. In 2015, the performance of Robusta coffee in this regency is as follows: (1) 43,276 hectares (area); (2) 29,641 tons (production); (3) 817 kilograms per hectare (productivity); and (4) 42,847 households (number of farmers). Some farmers in this regency cultivate coffee through polyculture pattern with timber trees, estate crops such as paper and candlenut, fruits i.e., avocado, orange, and banana (Aminah and Munandar, 2013).
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