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Title: Deteksi Gen Penyandi Resistansi Antibiotik Beta-Laktam pada Escherichia coli dari Daging Ayam Suwir Bubur Ayam
Other Titles: Detection of Beta-Lactam Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Escherichia coli from Shredded Chicken Meat of Chicken Porridge
Authors: Lukman, Denny Widaya
Siswandi, Riki
Andini, Galuh Dwi
Issue Date: 4-Jul-2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Escherichia coli (E. coli) penghasil extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) telah banyak dilaporkan oleh berbagai studi sehingga ditemukannya E. coli yang resistan terhadap antibiotik beta-laktam pada daging ayam suwir bubur ayam menjadi ancaman serius bagi kesehatan masyarakat. E. coli yang resistan memiliki gen yang dapat memindahkan sifat resistannya ke lingkungan dan organisme lain sehingga resistansi antibiotik dapat menyebar secara cepat dan luas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeteksi keberadaan gen penyandi resistansi antibiotik beta-laktam pada E. coli yang diisolasi dari daging ayam suwir bubur ayam yang dijual di lingkar Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor. Sebanyak 7 isolat dari 45 sampel yang telah diuji terhadap keberadaan E. coli dan resistansi antibiotik dimurnikan kembali di Laboratorium Kesehatan Masyarakat Veteriner, Sekolah Kedokteran Hewan dan Biomedis, IPB dan dilanjutkan dengan deteksi gen menggunakan qPCR di Balai Pengujian Mutu dan Sertifikasi Produk Hewan (BPMSPH), Bogor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 86% (6/7) isolat E. coli dari daging ayam suwir bubur ayam memiliki setidaknya satu gen penyandi resistansi antibiotik beta-laktam dengan persentase masing-masing gen adalah 57% blaCTX-M, 57% blaTEM, dan 0% blaOXA. Studi ini juga menunjukkan sampel daging ayam suwir yang mengandung E. coli dengan gen resistan beta-laktam terdeteksi pada 4 dari 15 (27%) pedagang bubur ayam.
Various studies have extensively reported the presence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing (ESBL) Escherichia coli. Therefore, the identification of E. coli resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics in shredded chicken meat of chicken porridge poses a serious threat to public health. Resistant E. coli have antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) that can transfer their resistance to the environment and other microorganisms, thus leading to rapid spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This research conducted to detect the presence of beta-lactam ARGs in E. coli isolated from shredded chicken meat of chicken porridge sold around IPB University, Dramaga, Bogor. A total of 7 isolates out of 45 samples that had been tested for the presence of E. coli and antibiotic resistance were purified at the Veterinary Public Health Laboratory, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, IPB University, and continued with gene detection using qPCR at the Animal Product Quality Testing and Certification Center (BPMSPH), Bogor. The results showed that at least one beta-lactam ARG was detected in 86% (6/7) of E. coli isolates from shredded chicken meat with the percentage of each gene was 57% blaCTX-M, 57% blaTEM, and 0% blaOXA. This study also showed that shredded chicken meat samples containing E. coli with beta-lactam ARG were detected in 4 out of 15 (27%) chicken porridge merchants.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Disease and Veterinary Health

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