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Title: Kinerja Ekspor Pala Indonesia di Pasar Asia dan Eropa Serta Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhinya
Other Titles: Indonesia's Nutmeg Export Performance in Asian and European Markets and Factors Affecting It
Authors: Harianto
Hasibuan, Senia Aprilia Putri
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Indonesia adalah produsen dan eksportir pala global terbesar, tetapi menghadapi tantangan terkait aflatoksin yang melebihi standar. Akibatnya, terjadi penolakan terhadap pala Indonesia di beberapa negara maju yang menerapkan non-tariff measures (NTM), khususnya di Uni Eropa. Studi ini mengkaji performa ekspor pala utuh dan pala bubuk Indonesia di pasar Asia dan Eropa serta faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi ekspornya menggunakan analisis constant market share (CMSA) dan regresi data panel. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa permintaan pala utuh dan pala bubuk Indonesia meningkat di Pasar Asia disebabkan oleh ukuran pasar, sedangkan di Pasar Eropa terjadi peningkatan impor pala bubuk yang dipengaruhi oleh ukuran pasar dan daya saing. Harga ekspor, nilai tukar riil dan regulasi SPS berdampak signifikan pada nilai ekspor pala Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, eksportir pala harus memprioritaskan negara-negara yang memiliki permintaan impor pala Indonesia yang konsisten, serta pemerintah harus memberikan insentif dan dukungan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pala tersebut.
Indonesia is the largest global producer and exporter of nutmeg, but faces challenges related to aflatoxin exceeding standards. As a result, Indonesian nutmeg has been rejected in several developed countries that apply non-tariff measures (NTM), especially in the European Union. This study examines the export performance of Indonesian whole nutmeg and ground nutmeg in Asian and European markets and the factors that influence their exports using constant market share analysis (CMSA) and panel data regression. The study found that the demand for Indonesian whole nutmeg and ground nutmeg increased in the Asian market due to market size, while in the European Market there was an increase in imports of ground nutmeg which was influenced by market size and competitiveness. Export prices, real exchange rates and SPS regulations have a significant impact on the value of Indonesian nutmeg exports. Therefore, nutmeg exporters should prioritize countries that have consistent import demand for Indonesian nutmeg, and the government should provide incentives and support to improve the quality of nutmeg.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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