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Title: Perbandingan Metode Willingness To Pay, Harga Pasar, dan Biaya Pemeliharaan Dalam Valuasi Ekonomi Banteng Jawa (Bos javanicus d'Alton 1823)
Other Titles: Comparison of Willingness To Pay, Market Price, and Maintenance Cost in the Economic Valuation of the Javan Bull (Bos javanicus d’Alton 1823)
Authors: Santosa, Yanto
Adhan, Muhamad
Issue Date: 21-Jun-2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Banteng jawa (Bos javanicus d’Alton 1823) adalah satwaliar yang terancam punah (endangered). Memburu dan memperdagangkan banteng jawa yang dilindungi merupakan tindakan pidana. Dalam proses pengadilan, aparat penegak hukum sering kesulitan menetapkan nilai gugatan dalam kasus perburuan dan perdagangan ilegal satwaliar. Penelitian ini bertujuan menduga nilai ekonomi banteng jawa menggunakan pendekatan willingness to pay, harga pasar, dan biaya pemeliharaan serta membandingkan ketiga metode tersebut. Pendekatan willingness to pay dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan 100 responden, pendekatan harga pasar melalui studi literatur dan online/browsing, sedangkan pendekatan biaya pemeliharaan dilakukan wawancara dengan pengelola lembaga konservasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai ekonomi banteng jawa dengan pendekatan willingness to pay adalah Rp92.390.000/ekor, dengan pendekatan harga pasar Rp74.143.726/ekor, dan dengan pendekatan biaya pemeliharaan Rp55.092.000/ekor. Berdasarkan nilai ekonomi yang diperoleh, kemudahan dan efektivitas dalam pengambilan dan analisis data, metode yang paling baik adalah metode harga pasar, disusul oleh metode biaya pemeliharaan, dan terakhir metode willingness to pay.
The Javan bulls (Bos javanicus d’Alton 1823) is an endangered wildlife species. Hunting and trading protected javan bull is a criminal act. In legal proceedings, law enforcement officials often struggle to determine the value of claims in cases of illegal wildlife hunting and trading. This study aims to estimate the economic value of the javan bull using the willingness to pay approach, market price approach, and maintenance cost approach, as well as to compare these three methods. The willingness to pay approach was conducted through interviews with 100 respondents, the market price approach through literature studies and online browsing, while the maintenance cost approach was conducted through interviews with conservation institution managers. The results showed that the economic value of the javan bull using the willingness to pay approach was Rp92,390,000, the market price approach was Rp74,143,726, and the maintenance cost approach was Rp55,092,000. Based on the economic values obtained, ease and effectiveness in data collection and analysis, the best method is the market price method, followed by the maintenance cost method, and lastly the willingness to pay method.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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