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Title: Kuskus (Phalanger orientalis dan Spilocuscus maculatus) Di Taman Nasional Manusela, Pulau Seram, Maluku
Authors: Mustari, Abdul Haris
Prayogi, Kendy Danang
Amalina, Putri
Handayani, Oktania Kusuma
Sudin, Claudia Zavier Bordeaux
Sukri, Muhamad
Issue Date: Jun-2024
Publisher: Departemen Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan Ekowisata Fakultas Kehutanan, Institut Pertanian Bogor
Abstract: Manusela National Park is located in Seram Island. Manusela Naional park is a forest that is home for mammals, one of them is cuscus. Cuscus as part of Manusela biodiversity is a marsupial fauna. The direct approach using quick observation while cruising and indirect observation through the identification of traces . Exploration was conducted from 26 July to 5 August 2013 in the two locations: the north and south . Exploration results is found 2 of 6 types fitch contained in the north and the south. The type is Phalanger orientalis and maculatus Spilocuscus . Phalanger orientalis was found at both sites , while just to the north Spilocuscus maculatus . They differ in hair color . Possum is a species that used by the surrounding community for daily food and dishes in a traditional wedding ceremony . Possum in the presence of the National Park Manusela also historical evidence of the existence of a marsupial fauna in the region dispersion australis.
Appears in Collections:Forest Resource Conservation and Ecotourism

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