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Title: Kualitas Air dan Beban Pencemaran di Sub-DAS Ciwidey
Other Titles: Water Quality and Pollution Load in Ciwidey Sub-Watershed
Authors: Priyono, Agus
Rushayati, Siti Badriah
Angelia, Dewi Aurora
Issue Date: 13-Jun-2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Sungai Ciwidey merupakan salah satu hulu Sungai Citarum yang berada di wilayah Kabupaten Bandung. Pertumbuhan penduduk dan penggunaan lahan di Sub-DAS Ciwidey menyebabkan perubahan pada parameter kualitas air Sungai Ciwidey, terutama di bagian hilirnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kualitas air, besarnya beban pencemaran, total beban pencemaran dan pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas air di Sub-DAS Ciwidey. Analisis hasil pemantauan kualitas air Sungai Ciwidey dibandingkan dengan baku mutu kelas I. Besarnya beban pencemaran dihitung menggunakan metode rapid assessment. Analisis kualitas air menunjukkan pencemaran bahan organik dengan indikasi tingginya nilai biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), dan fecal coliform. Parameter lain yang melebihi baku mutu adalah total suspended solid (TSS), total fosfat, besi (Fe), mangan (Mn), seng (Zn), dan detergen total. Beban pencemaran terbesar berasal dari kegiatan industri. Total beban pencemaran sebesar BOD 70,9672 ton/bulan; COD 116,6503 ton/bulan; TSS 45,3445 ton/bulan; total nitrate (TN) 0,0387 ton/bulan; dan total phosphate (TP) 0,0172 ton/bulan. Konsentrasi beban pencemar terbesar terhadap debit air terjadi pada bulan Agustus dan terkecil pada bulan Januari.
Ciwidey River is one of the headwaters of the Citarum River in Bandung Regency area. Population growth and land use in Ciwidey Sub-watershed have caused changes in the water quality parameters of the Ciwidey River, especially in the downstream part. This research aims to analyze water quality, the magnitude of the pollution load, total pollution load and its effect on water quality in the Ciwidey Sub-watershed. Analysis of the results of monitoring water quality of Ciwidey River compared to class I quality standards. Meanwhile, pollution load was calculated using rapid assessment method. Water quality analysis shows organic material pollution with indicate by high biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand COD and fecal coliform values. Other parameters that exceed quality standards are total suspended solid (TSS), total phosphate, iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and total detergent. The largest pollution load comes from industrial factories with BOD 70,9672 tons/month; COD 116,6503 tons/month; TSS 45,3445 tons/month; total nitrate (TN) 0,0387 tons/month; and total phosphate (TP) 0,0172 tons/month. The largest concentration of pollutant loads to water discharge occurs in August and the smallest in January.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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