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Title: Hubungan Kelimpahan Ikan Karang Herbivora Dengan Kondisi Tutupan Bentik di Pulau Tunda
Other Titles: Correlation Between Abundance of Herbivorous Reef Fish And Benthic Cover Condition in Tunda Island
Authors: Sunuddin, Adriani
Srimariana, Endang Sunarwati
Setiawan, Daniel
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pulau Tunda termasuk dalam wilayah Kabupaten Serang, Provinsi Banten dan memiliki potensi ekosistem terumbu karang seperti ikan karang, sebagai penjaga keseimbangan ekosistem ekologis dan estetika lingkungan bawah air. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kelimpahan ikan karang herbivora di berbagai lokasi pengamatan dan hubungannya dengan komposisi komunitas bentik di Pulau Tunda. Metode pengamatan yang digunakan adalah Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) untuk komunitas bentik dan Underwater Visual Census (UVC) untuk komunitas ikan. Secara umum kondisi terumbu karang Pulau Tunda termasuk kategori sedang, dengan kekayaan jenis ikan 9 spesies dari 2 famili. Lima kategori bentik yang ditemukan dengan tutupan tertinggi oleh abiotik (44,06%-68,38%). Ada 14 lifeform karang keras dengan tutupan tertinggi pada coral massive (16,63%-39,23%). Kelimpahan ikan karang herbivora adalah 47 individu dari famili Scaridae dan Acanthuridae. Berdasarkan perilaku makan, ada kelompok ikan herbivora terbagi menjadi scrapers (66%) dan grazers (34%). Hasil analisis korespondensi menghubungkan grazers dengan Acropora Submassive (ACS), sedangkan scrapers dengan Acropora Tabulate (ACT) dan Dead Coral with Algae (DCA).
Tunda Island is part of the Serang District, Banten Province and has the potential in reef ecosystem such as reef fish, as a keeper of the ecological ecosystems balance and an underwater aesthetic. The purpose of this study is to analyze the abundance of herbivorous coral at various observation sites and its relationship with the bentic community on Tunda Island. The methods used are Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) for the benthic community and Underwater Visual Census (UVC) for fish communities. In general, coral reef conditions in Tunda Island categorized as moderate, with reef fish diversity of 9 species from 2 famili. Five categories of reefs were found with the highest percentage coverage owned by abiotic (44,06%-68,3866%). A total of 14 lifeforms of hard coral growth were found with the highest percentage coverage by massive corals (16,63%-39,23%). The study found 47 herbivorous reef fish, mainly scrapers (66%), and grazers (34%), belonging to the Scaridae and Acanthuridae families. This research highlighted grazers community corespondence to Acropora Submassive (ACS), while scrapers with Acropora Tabulate (ACT) and Dead Coral with Algae (DCA).
Appears in Collections:UT - Marine Science And Technology

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