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dc.contributor.advisorZuhud, Ervizal AM-
dc.contributor.authorAyuba, Hekmatyar Aulia-
dc.description.abstractAren (Arenga pinnata Merr.) merupakan salah satu spesies tumbuhan dari famili Arecaceae yang memiliki potensi nilai ekonomi dan ekologi yang tinggi. Penelitian bertujuan menduga potensi tegakan aren, menduga potensi produksi nira aren dan merencanakan pengembangan tegakan aren di Desa Cambai, Cambai Selatan dan Air Mesu. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode analisis vegetasi. Pohon aren yang siap berproduksi memiliki kerapatan jarang, sedangkan aren yang belum siap berproduksi memiliki kerapatan padat. Kategori kelestarian di ketiga lokasi penelitian cukup lestari (fair) dengan pola sebaran mengelompok. Nilai pendugaan potensi tegakan di Desa Cambai, Cambai Selatan dan Air Mesu secara berturut-turut 50 (ind/desa), 279 (ind/desa) dan 25 (ind/desa). Produksi nira aren tertinggi yaitu terdapat pada Desa Cambai Selatan sebesar 2.759,31 liter/desa/hari. Desa Air Mesu dan Desa Cambai Selatan merupakan desa prioritas pengembangan aren karena memiliki luas habitat potensial yang
dc.description.abstractAren (Arenga pinnata Merr.) is one of the plant species from the Arecaceae family that has high potential economic and ecological value. The research aims to estimate the potential of aren palm stands, estimate the potential production of aren palm sap and plan the development of aren palm stands in Cambai, South Cambai and Air Mesu villages. The research was conducted using vegetation analysis method. Palm trees that are ready to produce have a sparse density, while palm trees that are not ready to produce have a dense density. The sustainability category in the three research locations is quite sustainable (fair) with a cluster distribution pattern. The estimated potential value of stands in Cambai, South Cambai and Air Mesu villages are 50 (ind/village), 279 (ind/village) and 25 (ind/village) respectively. The highest production of palm sap was found in South Cambai Village at 2,759.31 liters/village/day. Air Mesu Village and South Cambai Village are priority villages for palm oil development because they have a high potential habitat
dc.description.sponsorshipKementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologiid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePotensi Aren (Arenga pinnata Merr.) dan Pengembangannya di Desa Cambai, Cambai Selatan dan Air Mesu, Kabupaten Bangka Tengahid
dc.title.alternativeAren (Arenga pinnata Merr.) Potential and Development in Cambai, South Cambai and Air Mesu Villages, Central Bangka Regencyid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordhabitat potensialid
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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