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Title: Potensi dan Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Hayati terhadap Tegakan Aren (Arenga pinnata Merr.) di Desa Sungkap, Kabupaten Bangka Tengah
Other Titles: Potency and Effect of Organic Bio-fertilizer on Aren (Arenga pinnata Merr.) Stands in Sungkap Village, Central Bangka Regency
Authors: Zuhud, Ervizal A.M
Putra, Dimas Dwi
Issue Date: 22-May-2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Aren memiliki nilai ekonomis dan ekologis tinggi karena hampir semua bagiannya dapat dimanfaatkan. Potensi aren cukup menjanjikan karena dapat hidup di berbagai kondisi tanah asalkan tercukupinya unsur hara. Penelitian bertujuan menduga potensi tegakan aren, produksi nira, pengaruh pupuk terhadap tegakan aren, dan rencana pengembangan aren di Desa Sungkap. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pemberian pupuk organik hayati merek Pupuk Ghaly Organik IPB dengan 45 sampel aren dan diuji dengan ANOVA. Hasil menunjukkan aren di Desa Sungkap menyebar di lahan budidaya dan liar yang keduanya menyebar secara berkelompok. Produksi nira yang tertinggi terjadi di lahan liar. Indikator tumbuhan dengan pemupukan seperti tinggi batang, lilit batang, jumlah daun, dan produksi nira terjadi secara signifikan, sedangkan pH dan brix nira tidak signifikan. Tutupan lahan kebun campuran diasumsikan sebagai habitat aren yang potensial, namun potensi tegakan aren masih belum optimal, sehingga perlu dilakukan budidaya dengan sistem agroforestri. Hasil penelitian dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam menduga potensi tegakan dan pengaruh pemupukan terhadap tegakan aren.
Sugar palm has high economic and ecological value as almost all of its parts can be utilized. The potential of sugar palm in Sungkap Village is promising because it can thrive in various soil conditions as long as there is sufficient nutrient supply. The research aims to estimate the potential of sugar palm stands, sap production, the influence of fertilizer on sugar palm stands, and development plans for sugar palm in Sungkap Village. The research was conducted by applying organic bio-fertilizer branded Ghaly Organik IPB fertilizer to 45 samples of sugar palm and tested using ANOVA. The results indicate that sugar palm in Sungkap Village are distributed in both cultivated and wild areas, both of which are clustered. The highest sap production occurs in wild areas due to its habitat habitat. The highest sap production occurs in wild land. Plant indicators affected by fertilization such as trunk height, trunk girth, number of leaves, and sap production show significant changes, while pH and brix indicators do not. Mixed garden land cover is assumed to be a potential habitat, but the potential of sugar palm stands is still not optimal, thus cultivation with agroforestry systems are needed. The research results can be used as a reference for assessing the potential of stands and the effects of fertilization on sugar palm stands.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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