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dc.contributor.advisorLelana, R.P. Agus-
dc.contributor.authorCitraningputri, Intan-
dc.description.abstractPenemuan spesies baru Tarsius sp. sebagai satwa primata endemik Indonesia perlu diikuti dengan upaya pelestarian agar terhindar dari ancaman kepunahan. Salah satu upaya tersebut adalah pentingnya implementasi medik konservasi. Medik konservasi merupakan pendekatan penanganan kesehatan yang selaras dengan aspek biologi dan konservasi dalam mewujudkan program penangkaran dan konservasi Tarsius sp. Kendala yang dihadapi antara lain, adaptasi terhadap habitat eksitu dan tingginya angka kematian. Hasil studi kasus menunjukan bahwa kematian Tarsius sp. umumnya disertai dengan gangguan gastrointestinal (47%), respirasi (18%), reproduksi (6%), syaraf (6%) dan tidak spesifik (23%). Temuan ini membantu kita dalam menyusun model implementasi medik konservasi yang menekankan pentingnya pemenuhan kebutuhan energi dan jenis pakan, pengayaan habitat dan perlakuan terhadap satwa, program kesehatan dan sanitasi lingkungan, serta kemampuan personil dalam menangani Tarsius
dc.description.abstractThe discovery of new species Tarsius sp. as an endemic Indonesian’s non-human primate should be followed by conservation efforts to avoid the threat of extinction. One of the importance conservation efforts is the implementation of conservation medicine. Conservation medicine is the approach of animal health with biological and conservation aspects to establish breeding and conservation program of Tarsius sp. These problems included animal’s adaptation to their exsitu habitat and the high number of mortality. The results of case study showed that the mortality of Tarsius sp. is usually accompanied by disorder of gastrointestinal (47%), respiration (18%), reproduction (6%), nerve (6%) and nonspecific (23%). These findings help us on preparing the implementation model of conservation medicine that emphasizes in the importance of energy needs and the type of feed, the environmental enrichment and treatment of animals, the health program, the environmental sanitation, and the ability of personnel in handling Tarsius
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.subject.ddcVeterinary Scienceid
dc.titleStudi kasus : Implementasi medik konservasi pada Tarsius sp. [Storr, 1780]id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordConservation medicineid
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Disease and Veterinary Health

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