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dc.contributor.advisorRahaju, Sri-
dc.contributor.advisorIlham, Qori Pebrial-
dc.description.abstractSawahlunto terkenal dengan pertambangan batubara. Salah satu pelaku usaha tambang batubara adalah PT Allied Indo Coaljaya (PT AIC). Kegiatan penambangan batubara menyebabkan perubahan tutupan lahan. Perubahan tutupan lahan dapat dilihat dengan cara penginderaan jarak jauh. Metode klasifikasi tutupan lahan dilakukan menggunakan klasifikasi terbimbing yang kemudian dilakukan analisis perubahan tutupan lahan dengan cara membandingkan hasil klasifikasi citra landsat 8 tahun 2016 dan 2021 untuk menduga keberhasilan reklamasi PT AIC. Klasifikasi tutupan lahan menghasilkan 4 kelas tutupan lahan berupa badan air, pertambangan, hutan lahan kering sekunder dan semak belukar. Selama 5 tahun (2016-2021) luas setiap tutupan lahan PT AIC mengalami perubahan. Tutupan lahan semak belukar bertambah seluas 12,27 ha, sedangkan tutupan lahan hutan lahan kering sekunder, pertambangan dan badan air mengalami penurunan masing masing 0,47 ha, 5,73 ha dan 6,07 ha. PT AIC telah melakukan reklamasi hutan mulai dari penataan lahan, pengendalian erosi dan sedimentasi, revegetasi dan pemeliharaan tanaman. Tim Penilaian Tingkat Provinsi menyatakan areal reklamasi seluas 215 ha berhasil pada kawasan hutan produksi dan area penggunaan lain dengan nilai
dc.description.abstractSawahlunto is renowned for its coal mining industry. One of the players in the coal mining business is PT Allied Indo Coaljaya (PT AIC). Coal mining activities have led to changes in land cover. These changes can be observed through remote sensing. Land cover classification methods are employed, utilizing guided classification, followed by an analysis of land cover changes by comparing the classification results of Landsat 8 images from 2016 and 2021 to assess the success of PT AIC's reclamation efforts. The land cover classification yields four classes: water bodies, mining areas, secondary dryland forests, and shrublands. Over a span of 5 years (2016-2021), the extent of each land cover class managed by PT AIC has undergone changes. Shrubland cover has increased by 12.27 hectares, while secondary dryland forest, mining areas, and water bodies have experienced decreases of 0.47 hectares, 5.73 hectares, and 6.07 hectares, respectively. PT AIC has conducted forest reclamation activities, including land management, erosion and sedimentation control, revegetation, and plant maintenance. The Provincial Assessment Team has declared that a reclaimed area of 215 hectares, within production forest zones and other designated areas, has been successfully rehabilitated with a score of
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Perubahan Tutupan Lahan PT Allied Indo Coaljaya Kota Sawahlunto Sumatera Barat Menggunakan Citra Landsat 8id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordLand coverid
Appears in Collections:UT - Forest Management

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