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Title: Valuasi Ekonomi Kakatua Putih Besar Jambul Kuning (Cacatua galerita)
Other Titles: Economic Valuation of the Great Yellow-crested White Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita)
Authors: Santosa, Yanto
Risma, Lintang Cinta Aninia
Issue Date: 6-May-2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kakatua putih besar jambul kuning (Cacatua galerita) merupakan primadona dalam perdagangan satwa liar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung valuasi ekonomi Cacatua galerita dengan pendekatan harga pasar, willingness to pay (kesediaan membayar), dan biaya pemeliharaan, serta membandingkan ketiga metode tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan studi literatur dan pemantauan sosial media dalam pendekatan harga pasar, pendekatan kesediaan membayar dilakukan wawancara kepada 100 pengunjung Taman Margasatwa Ragunan (TMR) secara accidental sampling, dan pendekatan biaya pemeliharaan dilakukan wawancara kepada pengelola TMR dan penangkaran Mega Bird and Orchid Farm (MBOF). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan valuasi ekonomi Cacatua galerita dengan pendekatan harga pasar, kesediaan membayar, dan biaya pemeliharaan berturut-turut sebesar Rp35.547.204/ekor, Rp3.656.900/ekor, dan Rp7.119.001/ekor. Metode pendekatan terbaik untuk menghitung valuasi ekonomi Cacatua galerita yaitu pendekatan harga pasar yang ditinjau dari valuasi ekonomi yang dihasilkan, efektivitas, serta efisiensi biaya yang relatif murah dalam pengambilan dan analisis data.
The great yellow-crested white cockatoo (Cacatua galerita) is a favorite in the wildlife trade. This research aims to calculate the economic value of Cacatua galerita using the market price approach, willingness to pay, and maintenance costs, as well as comparing the three methods. The research was carried out using literature studies and social media monitoring using the market price approach, the willingness to pay approach carried out interviews with 100 visitors to the Ragunan Wildlife Park (TMR) using accidental sampling, and the maintenance cost approach carried out interviews with TMR managers and the Mega Bird and Orchid Farm (MBOF). The research results show that the economic valuation of Cacatua galerita using the market price approach, willingness to pay, and maintenance costs is Rp. 35,547,204/head, Rp. 3,656,900/head, and Rp. 7,119,001/head. The best approach method for calculating the economic valuation of Cacatua galerita is the market price approach in terms of the resulting economic value, effectiveness and relatively lowcost efficiency in data collection and analysis.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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