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Title: Performa Kecoa Madagaskar (Gramphadorhina portentosa) yang diberi Pakan Kombinasi Konsentrat dengan Kentang dan Ubi Jalar
Other Titles: The performance of madagascar cockroaches (Gomphadorhina portentosa) on diets containing a combination of concentrates with potatoes and sweet potatoes was overseen.
The performance of madagascar cockroaches (Gomphadorhina portentosa) on diets containing a combination of concentrates with potatoes and sweet potatoes was overseen.
Authors: Mendrofa, Verika Armansyah
Fuah, Asnath Maria
Yunisa, Aswinda
Issue Date: Feb-2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Dalam usaha budidaya kecoa, pakan memegang peran penting dalam keberhasilan produksi dan pertumbuhan yang baik untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen. Oleh karena itu, alternatif pakan yang murah dan mudah didapat perlu dicari, dan bahan lokal seperti ubi jalar dan kentang menjadi pilihan yang tepat, karena sesuai dengan habitat kecoa madagaskar yang mudah beradaptasi dengan jenis pakan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis performa kecoa madagaskar (Gromphadorhina portentosa) terhadap kombinasi pakan konsentrat dengan beberapa jenis pakan lokal (kentang dan ubi jalar). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap) dengan perlakuan KF: 100% pakan konsentrat (kelompok kontrol), KU: 50% pakan konsentrat + 50% ubi jalar, KK: 50% pakan konsentrat + 50% kentang, dengan uji lanjut Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penggunakan kombinasi pakan konsentrat dengan penambahan kentang dan ubi jalar berpengaruh terhadap performa kecoa madagaskar. Pakan konsentrat dengan penambahan kentang dapat meningkatkan pertambahan bobot badan sebesar 0,45 g ekor-1 .
Feed have important roles in cockroach rearing. Feed quality affected the cockroach gowth and production which will affect the standard demand and consumer. Based on the fact, it is crucial to seek alternative feeds which is cheap and available at any time riquaired. Local feed such as potatoes and sweet potatoes are good choices, for madagaskar cockroach's habitat and cockroach can be quickly adapted to these feeds. This study aimed to examine the performance of madagaskar cockroaches (Gomphadorhina portentosa) given combination of concentrate with various local feed ingedients (potatoes and sweet potato). Data was analyzed using Completely Randomized Design. The applied treatment design as follows: KF: 100% concentrate (control goup), KU:50% concentrate +50% sweet potato, KK: 50% concentrate +50% potato, according to Duncan's test. The performance of madagascar roaches was affected by a combination of concentrates with potato and sweet potato. In this test, concentrates supplemented with potatoes could increase body weight gain by 0,45 g tail -1
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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