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Title: Derajat Mindfulness pada Masyarakat Arab dan Tionghoa di Kota Bogor
Other Titles: The Level of Mindfulness in Arab and Chinese Communities in Bogor City
Authors: Aulia, Titania
Akbari, Sheline Glodia Wyanza
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Mindfulness merupakan kemampuan seseorang untuk menggeser kerangka berpikirnya terhadap orang lain ketika berinteraksi untuk mendapatkan keefektifan dalam berkomunikasi. Derajat mindfulness dihitung menggunakan tiga faktor yakni faktor motivasi, faktor pengetahuan, dan faktor keterampilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hubungan karakteristik individu dengan derajat mindfulness seseorang. Data kuantitatif diperoleh melalui survei dengan penyebaran kuesioner kepada responden, data kualitatif diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam kepada responden dan informan. Observasi lapang juga dilakukan secara langsung di lokasi penelitian di Kecamatan Bogor Selatan dan Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor. Responden dipilih melalui teknik pengambilan sampel acak kebetulan (accidental random sampling) sejumlah 60 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara karakteristik individu jenis kelamin dengan ketiga faktor mindfulness yakni motivasi, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan. Hasil lainnya adalah terdapat hubungan antara waktu lama tinggal seseorang dengan faktor motivasi dan keterampilan mindfulness. Semakin lama waktu tinggal seseorang di Kota Bogor maka semakin baik mindfulness yang dimilikinya.
Mindfulness is an individual's ability to shift their mindset towards others when interacting to achieve effectiveness in communication. The degree of mindfulness quantifies using three factors: motivation, knowledge, and skill. This study aims to elucidate the relationship between individual characteristics and the degree of mindfulness when interacting with individuals from different cultures. Quantitative data were obtained through surveys by distributing questionnaires to respondents, while qualitative data were collected through in-depth interviews with respondents and informants. Field observations were also conducted directly at the research sites in the Bogor City. Respondents were selected using the accidental random sampling technique, with a total of 60 individuals. The results of the study indicate a relationship between individual characteristics such as gender and the three mindfulness factors: motivation, knowledge, and skill. Additionally, there is a relationship between the length of time an individual has resided and the motivation and skill factors of mindfulness. The longer an individual has lived in Bogor City, the better their mindfulness tends to be.
Appears in Collections:UT - Communication and Community Development

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