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Title: Aktivitas stimulasi komponen bioaktif rimpang jahe (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) pada sel limfosit B manusia secara In vitro
Authors: Tejasari
Zakaria, Fransisca Rungkat
Sajuthi, Dondin
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The effect of two fraction of clecresin compund from ginger root on lympgocyle function were studied observing B cell proliferations, which were measured by the incorporation of 3H-thymidline during cell incubation. The doses of clecresin compounds and its two fraction tested were 50, 150, and 200 mg per mL lymphocte from human peripheral blood were isolated using ficoll density gradient technique, and cultured in the presence of the compounds in RPMI-1640 mendium for 4 days, with or without the addition of 3 mM paraquat as the oxidizing agent. The result showed that the effect of cleoresin and its two fractions depended on its closes. Cleserin and its two fractions increased B cell proliferation with the highest activity of 456 percent at low close of 50 mg per ml. These result showed e positive affect of cleoresin compound and its two fractions on B cell function at low closes. It indicated that bioactive compounds of ginger root at low concentration have positive effect on humoral immune response and this support the traditional belief that ginger increases body resistance to common cold.
Appears in Collections:Food Science and Technology

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