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Title: Suplementasi Enzim Bromelain dalam Pakan terhadap Performa, Kualitas Telur dan Profil Darah Ayam Akhir Periode Bertelur
Other Titles: Supplementation Bromelain Enzyme to the Performance, Egg Quality and Blood Profile of the Late Laying Period
Authors: Sudarman, Asep
Mutia, Rita
Rafis, Herlan Noor
Issue Date: 2-Feb-2024
Abstract: Produksi dan kualitas telur, seperti kekuatan kerabang dan tinggi putih telur menurun dengan cepat pada akhir siklus bertelur. Penurunan performa dan kualitas telur pada akhir periode bertelur disebabkan oleh akumulasi oksidative stres yang terjadi selama periode produksi telur dan perkembangan proses inflamasi kronis yang terjadi selama proses penuaan. Performa ayam petelur dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor diantaranya kualitas pakan, manajemen pemeliharaan dan faktor lingkungan. Kualitas pakan yang baik, seperti tingkat kecernaan pakan yang tinggi akan meningkatkan performa dan kesehatan ayam. Pengaruh lingkungan seperti kondisi cekaman panas bisa mengganggu status kesehatan ayam petelur dan berakibat juga pada produksi dan kualitas telur. Enzim bromelain merupakan enzim protease yang ditemukan di tanaman nanas (Ananas comosus). Bromelain mempunyai aktivitas proteolitik dan aktivitas lipolitik, yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kecernaan protein dan lemak. Pemecahan makro molekul protein menjadi molekul lebih kecil seperti asam amino akan mempermudah pencernaan dan penyerapan dalam saluran pencernaan. Selain itu bromelain juga mempunyai efek anti inflamasi dan mengatur fungsi sel imun. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari – April 2022, di fasilitas kandang PT. Sreeya Sewu Indonesia tbk. di daerah Ciseeng, Parung, kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi efek dari suplementasi enzim bromelain dalam ransum pakan ayam akhir periode bertelur terhadap performa produksi, kualitas telur serta profil darah. Sebanyak 200 ekor ayam petelur strain Isa Brown, umur 85 minggu, secara acak dibagi ke dalam empat perlakuan dan lima ulangan, kemudian diamati selama delapan minggu. Enzim bromelain diberikan dalam beberapa dosis perlakuan, 0% (pakan kontrol), 0,025%, 0,050% dan 0,075%. Data hasil penelitian dianalisa menggunakan ANOVA dan diuji lanjut dengan metode Duncan, menggunakan SPSS 26, GLM Univariate procedure. Suplementasi bromelain meningkatkan hen day (P<0,05), egg mass (P<0,05) dan nilai income over feed cost (P<0,05) serta menurunkan FCR (P<0,01). Suplementasi bromelain meningkatkan tinggi putih telur (P<0,05). Selain itu juga meningkatkan kandungan protein darah (P<0,05) dan menurunkan kandungan kolesterol darah (P<0,05) serta meningkatkan kandungan yolk imunoglobulin (IgY) (P<0,05). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi bromelain dapat meningkatkan performa dan kualitas telur, serta dapat meningkatkan kesehatan dan imunitas ayam dengan ditandai oleh menurunkan kadar kolesterol darah dan meningkatnya kandungan IgY di serum darah.
Egg production and quality, such as eggshell strength and albumen height, decrease rapidly at the end of the egg-laying cycle. The decline in egg performance and quality at the end of the laying period is caused by the accumulation of oxidative stress that occurs during the egg production period and the development of chronic inflammatory processes that occur during the aging process. The performance of laying hens is influenced by various factors including feed quality, maintenance management and environmental factors. Good feed quality, such as a high level of feed digestibility will improve the performance and health of chickens. Environmental influences such as heat stress conditions can affect the health status of laying hens and affect egg production and quality. The bromelain enzyme is a protease enzyme found in the pineapple plant (Ananas comosus). Bromelain has proteolytic activity and lipolytic activity, which can help increase the digestibility of protein and fat. The breakdown of protein macro molecules into smaller molecules such as amino acids will facilitate digestion and absorption in the digestive tract. In addition, bromelain also has anti-inflammatory effects and regulates immune cell function. This research was conducted in February – April 2022, at the PT. Sreeya Sewu Indonesia tbk. in the Ciseeng, Parung, Bogor district, West Java. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of bromelain enzyme supplementation in late-period laying hen feed rations on production performance, egg quality as well as blood profile variables. A total of 200 laying hens of the Isa Brown strain, aged 85 weeks, were randomly divided into four treatments and five replications, and observed for eight weeks. Bromelain enzyme was given in several treatment doses, 0% (control feed), 0.025%, 0.050% and 0.075%. Research data were analysed using ANOVA and further tested using Duncan's method, using SPSS 26, GLM Univariate procedure. Bromelain supplementation increased hen day (P<0.05), egg mass (P<0.05), value income over feed cost (P<0.05), decreased FCR (P<0.01) and increase albumin height (P<0.05). Besides that, it also increases blood protein content (P<0.05) and lowers blood cholesterol content (P<0.05) and increases the content of yolk immunoglobulin (IgY) (P<0.05). It can be concluded that bromelain supplementation can improve performance and egg quality, and also can improve chicken health and immunity as indicated by lowering blood cholesterol levels and increasing IgY content in blood serum.
Appears in Collections:MT - Animal Science

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