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Title: Identifikasi Karakteristik Sifat Fisik dan Kelas Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG) pada Tiga Jenis Tanah di Kota Bogor
Other Titles: Identify the Physical Characteristics and Hydrologic Soil Group of Three Soil Types in Bogor City
Authors: Yusuf, Sri Malahayati
Rachman, Latief Mahir
Khoir, Mohammad Ilzamul
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Tanah berperan besar untuk menyerap sejumlah air hujan yang turun melalui proses yang dinamakan infiltrasi. Penentuan sifat fisik dan kelas infiltrasi membantu mengidentifikasi tanah-tanah dengan potensi aliran permukaan tertentu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik sifat fisik dan kelas Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG) dari tiga jenis tanah yang dominan di Kota Bogor, yaitu Latosol, Andosol, dan Regosol. Penelitian dimulai dari pengambilan sampel dan pengukuran infiltrasi di 40 titik yang tersebar di Kota Bogor. Data-data yang didapatkan dari hasil pengamatan di lapangan maupun analisis di laboratorium diolah menggunakan microsoft office excel. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji determinasi pada parameter tekstur, bobot isi, dan pori drainase terhadap infiltrasi, sedangkan parameter sifat fisik permeabilitas terhadap infiltrasi dilakukan uji korelasi. Hasil dari keseluruhan pengujian kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil pengukuran karakteristik sifat fisik menunjukan Andosol memiliki bobot isi terendah dengan porositas total tertinggi. Bobot isi Latosol lebih tinggi dari Regosol dan Andosol dengan tekstur klei yang dominan. Regosol memiliki laju infiltrasi dan permeabilitas lebih tinggi dibanding Latosol dan Andosol. Uji determinasi bobot isi terhadap infiltrasi menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan pada ketiga jenis tanah. Nilai signifkan juga didapatkan ketiga jenis tanah pada uji determinasi porositas drainase dan tekstur terhadap laju infiltrasi. Hasil uji korelasi permeabilitas tanah terhadap laju infiltrasi menunjukkan hubungan sangat kuat pada ketiga jenis tanah. Hasil klasifikasi HSG berdasarkan tekstur dan infiltrasi dapat berbeda. Regosol dan Andosol termasuk kelas A dalam klasifikasi HSG berdasarkan laju infiltrasi sedangkan Latosol termasuk kelas B. Hasil klasifikasi HSG berdasarkan kelas tekstur menunjukkan Regosol pada kelas A, Andosol pada kelas C, dan Latosol termasuk kelas D.
Soil plays a big role in absorbing the amount of rainwater that falls through a process called infiltration. Determining physical properties and infiltration values helps identify soils with particular surface runoff potential. The aim of this research is to identify the physical characteristics and Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG) class of the three dominant soil types in Bogor City, namely Latosol, Andosol, and Regosol. The research started with sampling and measuring infiltration at 40 points spread across the city of Bogor. Data obtained from observations in the field and analysis in the laboratory were processed using Microsoft Office Excel. Next, a determination test was carried out on the texture parameters, bulk density and drainage pores on infiltration. Meanwhile, the physical property parameters of permeability to infiltration were carried out by correlation tests. The results of the entire test were then analyzed descriptively. The results of measuring physical characteristics show that Andosol has the lowest bulk density with the highest total porosity. The bulk density of Latosol is higher than Regosol and Andosol with a dominant clay texture. Regosol has a higher infiltration rate and permeability than latosol and andosol. The bulk density determination test on infiltration showed a significant effect on the three types of soil. Significant values were also obtained for the three types of soil in the drainage porosity and texture determination tests on infiltration rate. The correlation test results of soil permeability and infiltration rate show a very strong relationship for the three types of soil. HSG classification results based on texture and infiltration can differ. The HSG classification process based on infiltration rate show that Regosol and Andosol are included in class A, while Latosol in class B. Based on texture class, Regosol is in HSG A, Andosol in HSG C, and Latosol in HSG D.
Appears in Collections:UT - Soil Science and Land Resources

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