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Title: Studi Infestasi dan Deteksi Bakteri Patogen pada Kutu Busuk (Cimex hemipterus) di Perumahan.
Authors: Supriyono, Supriyono
Soviana, Susi
Syafawani, Umi Afifah
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kutu busuk (Cimex hemipterus) adalah ektoparasit pengisap darah pada manusia dan hewan yang tersebar di seluruh dunia. Ektoparasit ini merupakan bagian dari ordo Hemiptera dan famili Cimicidae. Infestasi kutu busuk sering ditemukan di kawasan permukiman namun belum banyak data tercatat di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran, derajat infestasi, dan deteksi bakteri patogen pada kutu busuk. Lokasi penelitian berada di dua kawasan permukiman daerah Bogor dan satu kawasan Bandung. Koleksi kutu busuk dilakukan secara manual menggunakan pinset dan diidentifikasi berdasarkan kunci morfologi. Deteksi bakteri pada kutu busuk dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode PCR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa infestasi tersebar di area kasur, dipan, karpet, keranjang baju, dan boneka. Derajat infestasi di lokasi Bogor tergolong kategori tinggi sedangkan di lokasi Bandung tergolong rendah. Berdasarkan hasil PCR dan sekuensing ditemukan bakteri simbion yaitu Afipia clevelandensis, Afipia sp. dan Pseudomonas entomophila. Afipia clevelandensis dan Afipia sp. diketahui sebagai patogen manusia sementara Pseudomonas entomophila diketahui sebagai entomopatogen.
Bedbugs (Cimex hemipterus) is a blood-sucking ectoparasite of humans and animals that spread around the world. This ectoparasite is belong to the Hemiptera order and Cimicidae family. Bedbugs are often found in housing areas but not much data is recorded in Indonesia. This study aimed to determine bedbugs distribution, the degree of infestations, and detection of pathogenic bacteria in bed bugs. The research was located in two housing areas in Bogor and Bandung. Bedbugs were collected manually using forceps and then identified according to morphological keys. Detection of bedbugs bacteria conducted by PCR method. The results showed that infestations spread in the bed, divan, carpet, clothes basket, and dolls. The highest degree of infestation was in Bogor whereas Bandung had a low degree of infestation. Based on the PCR and sequencing results symbiont bacteria that have been discovered were Afipia clevelandensis, Afipia sp. and Pseudomonas entomophila. Afipia clevelandensis and Afipia sp. are known as human pathogen on the other hand, Pseudomonas entomophila is known as entomopathogen.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Disease and Veterinary Health

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