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Title: Hubungan Pola Menstruasi, Status Gizi, Status Anemia dengan Prestasi Belajar pada Remaja Putri di SMA Negeri Bogor
Other Titles: The Assosiation of Menstrual Patterns, Nutritional Status, and Anemia Status with The Learning Achievement in Adolescent Girl at Bogor Senior High School
Authors: Heryatno, Yayat
Aries, Muhammad
Aqilah, Ghina Afiyah
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Indonesia menghadapi permasalahan triple burden of malnutrition yang sebagian dialami oleh para remaja dan perempuan usia produktif. Secara spesifik, permasalahan yang dikelompok ini adalah anemia yang prevalensinya secara nasional masih terkategori tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis keterkaitan antara pola menstruasi, status gizi, dan status anemia dengan prestasi belajar remaja putri di SMA Negeri Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan total subjek 105 remaja putri dan dilakukan di SMAN 7 Bogor dan SMAN 1 Ciomas Bogor. Penarikan subjek pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode accidental sampling dengan kriteria siswi SMA yang telah mengalami menstruasi, dalam keadaan sehat, bersedia menjadi subjek serta mengikuti seluruh rangkaian penelitian. Hasil penelitian subjek yang mengalami anemia sebanyak 35% dengan rerata kadar hemoglobin 12,67 ± 2,376 g/dL. Sebagian besar subjek termasuk kategori status gizi normal (79%), memiliki pola menstruasi yang normal (72%) dengan gejala yang paling banyak dirasakan yaitu nyeri punggung dan perut (90%). Mayoritas prestasi akademik subjek berdasarkan nilai rapor memiliki nilai yang baik (53%), tingkat kehadiran mayoritas tinggi (60%), dan tidak aktif dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler (64%). Hasil analisis uji asosiasi chi-square pada penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat keterkaitan antara pola menstruasi dengan status anemia subjek dan status anemia subjek dengan keaktifan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler.
Indonesia is facing the triple burden of malnutrition problem, which is partly experienced by teenagers and women of productive age. Specifically, the problem in this group is anemia, whose prevalence nationally is still in the high category. This research aims to analyze the relationship between menstrual patterns, nutritional status and anemia status with the academic achievement of adolescent girls at Bogor Senior High School. This research used a cross sectional design with a total of 105 female adolescent subjects and was conducted at SMAN 7 Bogor and SMAN 1 Ciomas Bogor. Subjects were drawn in this study using the accidental sampling method with inclusion, namely female high school students who had menstruated, were in good health, were willing to be subjects and participated in the entire series of research. The results showed that 35% of subjects experienced anemia with a mean hemoglobin level of 12.67 ± 2.376 g/dL. Most subjects had a normal nutritional status category (79%), had normal menstrual patterns (72%) with the most common symptoms being back and abdominal pain (90%). The majority of subjects' academic achievements based on report books had good grades (53%), the majority of attendance rate was high (60%), and they were not active in extracurricular activities (64%). The results of the chi-square association test analysis in this study showed a relationship between menstrual patterns with the subject's anemia status and the subject's anemia status with extracurricular activity.
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science

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