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Title: Tingkat Serangan Hama Boleng Cylas formicarius (Coleoptera: Brentidae) pada Tanaman Ubi Jalar Cilembu di Kabupaten Sumedang
Other Titles: Damage Intensity of Sweet Potato weevil Cylas formicarius (Coleoptera: Brentidae) Cilembu Sweet Potato Plants in Sumedang
Authors: Winasa, I Wayan
Santoso, Sugeng
Basuki, Khoirunnisa Nurul Izzah
Issue Date: Jan-2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Ubi jalar merupakan tanaman pangan strategis sumber karbohidrat peringkat ke-4 setelah padi, jagung dan ubi kayu. Produksi ubi jalar tahun 2016-2020 menurun 34,77%. Kendala yang dihadapi salah satunya adalah serangan hama dan penyakit. Salah satu hama penting pada tanaman ubi jalar adalah hama Cylas formicarius. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan informasi mengenai tingkat serangan hama boleng pada pertanaman ubi jalar Cilembu di Kabupaten Sumedang. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Febuari‒Juni 2022. Pengamatan dilakukan pada 15 lahan petani di tiga desa yang telah ditentukan. Pengamatan struktur umur dan kerapatan populasi C. formicarius di masing-masing lahan petani dilakukan dengan cara mengambil 3 umbi yang menunjukkan gejala terserang berat. Tingkat populasi C. formicarius paling tinggi berada di Desa Cilopang dengan populasi larva 228 ekor, pupa167 ekor, dan imago 199 ekor. Tingkat serangan C. fromicarius paling tinggi mencapai 15.79% di Desa Cilopang.
Sweet potato is a strategic food crop and the fourth-largest source of carbohydrates after rice, corn, and cassava. The production of sweet potatoes from 2016 to 2020 has decreased by 34.77%. One of the challenges faced is pest and disease infestation. One significant pest affecting sweet potato plants is the Cylas formicarius weevil. This research aims to gather information on the level of infestation of the sweet potato weevil in Cilembu sweet potato plantations in Sumedang Regency. The study was conducted from February to June 2022. Observations were made on 15 farmer fields in three designated villages. Observations on the age structure and population density of C. formicarius in each farmer's field were conducted by taking three tubers showing severe infestation symptoms. The highest population of C. formicarius was found in Cilopang Village, with a larval population of 228, pupal population of 167, and adult population of 199. The highest infestation rate of C. formicarius reached 15,79% in Cilopang Village.
Appears in Collections:UT - Plant Protection

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