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Title: Strategi Peningkatan Kinerja Perusahaan Perkebunan dan Pengolahan Teh di PT XYZ Jawa Barat
Other Titles: Strategi Peningkatan Kinerja Perusahaan Perkebunan dan Pengolahan Teh di PT XYZ Jawa Barat
Authors: Zulbainarni, Nimmi
Hubeis, Aida Vitayala Sjafri
Priyono, Adi
Issue Date: 19-Jan-2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pandemi Covid-19, perang Rusia-Ukraina, dan tensi geopolitik China- Taiwan merupakan beberapa fenomena yang menyebabkan ketidakpastian ekonomi Global saat ini. Dalam era seperti ini, pengukuran kinerja perusahaan merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi manajemen untuk menjaga perusahaan tetap mampu bertahan. Perusahaan harus menentukan evaluasi kinerja yang tepat yang dipengaruhi faktor-faktor pendukung kinerjanya. Sink and Tuttle Model yang memperkenalkan Sink’s Seven Performance Criteria yang memiliki kelebihan dapat memberikan definisi jelas antar konsep kriteria kinerja, dapat menggambarkan hubungan interelasi yang kompleks antar kinerja, serta memiliki konsep pengukuran yang timeless dan time-tested. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi KPI dan sistem pengukuran kinerja berdasarkan kriteria Sink and Tuttle, kemudian dilakukan pembobotan kriteria melalui Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan penentuan skor menggunakan Objective Matrix (OMAX). Setelah itu akan dilakukan evaluasi kinerja dengan metode Traffic Light System (TLS). Dalam evaluasi kinerja sumber daya manusia di PT XYZ, ditemukan beberapa faktor-faktor yang belum optimal mendukung kinerja sumber daya manusia, yaitu diantaranya produktivitas output Pabrik, utilitas pabrik, efisiensi biaya, analisis pucuk, yield, dan pertumbuhan Gross Margin. Strategi peningkatan kinerja sumber daya manusia difokuskan pada hal-hal yang belum optimal tersebut sehingga sasaran strategi perusahaan dapat dicapai.
The Covid-19 pandemic, Russia-Ukraine war, and China-Taiwan geopolitical tensions are some of the phenomena causing global economic uncertainty currently. In an era like this, measuring the performance of company resources is very important for management to keep the company able to survive. Companies must determine the appropriate performance evaluation of their resources which is influenced by factors supporting their performance. Sink and Tuttle Model which introduced Sink's Seven Performance Criteria have the advantage of being able to provide clear definitions between performance criteria concepts, being able to describe complex interrelationships between performance, and having a timeless and time-tested measurement concept. This research identifies KPI’s and performance measurement systems based on the Sink and Tuttle criteria, then weighting the criteria is carried out through the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and determining scores using the Objective Matrix (OMAX). After that, performance evaluation will be carried out using the Traffic Light System (TLS) method. In evaluating the performance of resources at PT XYZ, several factors were found that were not optimal in supporting company performance, namely output productivity, utility, cost efficiency, “pucuk” analysis, yield plants, and margin revenue. The strategy to improve human resource performance is focused on things that are not yet optimal so that the company's strategic targets can be achieved.
Appears in Collections:MT - Business

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