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Title: Penilaian Greenship Di Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS) Kampus Pattimura, Jakarat Selatan.
Authors: Fatimah, Indung Sitti
Sulistyantara, Bambang
Ginting, Suranta
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Bangunan memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap lingkungan, sehingga diperlukan alat penilaian peringkat keberlanjutan yang dapat membantu menilai kinerja bangunan. Green building adalah metode ramah lingkungan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi sumber daya di seluruh siklus hidup bangunan mulai dari desain, konstruksi, pemeliharaan, renovasi, dan pembongkaran. Green building Council Indonesia (GBC Indonesia) telah mengembangkan alat penilaian greenship yang terdiri atas net zero healthy, new building, existing building, interior space, homes, dan neighborhood. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan greenship neighborhood versi 1.0 dan greenship new building versi 1.2. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS) Kampus Pattimura dikarenakan sekolah tersebut telah melakukan perencanaan pada kawasan dan gedung redevelopment. Hasil penilaian neighborhood versi 1.0 pada kawasan perencanaan memperoleh nilai 55 poin dan penilaian new building versi 1.2 pada perencanaan gedung redevelopment mencapai nilai 20 poin, yang masih dibawah nilai peringkat greenship.
Buildings have a significant impact on the environment, so there is a need for sustainability rating assessment tools that can help assess the performance of buildings. Green building is an environmentally friendly method to promote resource efficiency throughout the life cycle of a building's from design to, construction, maintenance, renovation, and demolition. The Green Building Council Indonesia (GBC Indonesia) has developed a greenship assessment tool that covers net zero health, new building, existing building, interior space, homes, and neighborhood. Version 1.2 of greenship new building and version 1.0 of greenship neighborhood are used in this study. The study was conducted at the Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS) Pattimura Campus because the planning for the redevelopment area and building was conducted there. The results of the neighborhood assessment version 1.0. in the planning area obtained a value of 55 points and the new building assessment version 1.2 in the planning of the redevelopment building reached a value of 20 points, which is still below the standard value of greenship assessment
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture

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