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dc.contributor.advisorBuitenzorgy, Meilanie-
dc.contributor.authorFachrido, Dwiky-
dc.description.abstractInstitut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) telah bekerjasama dengan platform digital Mountrash dalam hal pengelolaan sampah kemasan minuman. Namun penerapannya dapat terhambat oleh permasalahan tingkat partisipasi pengguna dan pemeliharaan fasilitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengidentifikasi mekanisme dan hambatan pengelolaan sampah kemasan minuman pada platform Mountrash di kampus IPB Dramaga; (2) menganalisis persepsi mahasiswa IPB Dramaga terhadap pengelolaan sampah kemasan minuman berbasis platform digital; (3) mengestimasi potensi nilai ekonomi dalam pengelolaan sampah kemasan minuman oleh Mountrash IPB di kampus Dramaga; (4) menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi mahasiswa IPB Dramaga menjadi pengguna Mountrash. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, analisis regresi logistik, dan skala likert. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) mekanisme kerjasama antara IPB dan Mountrash memberikan manfaat bagi IPB dari segi pengelolaan sampah kampus dan edukasi kepada mahasiswa (2) mahasiswa memiliki persepsi sangat baik terhadap platform digital pengelolaan sampah dalam aspek keberlanjutan; (3) potensi nilai ekonomi sampah yang terkelola pada periode Februari - September 2023 adalah senilai Rp1.134.584 dan potensi insentif ekonomi yang diterima individu adalah senilai Rp30.300/tahun berdasarkan pola konsumsi pengguna, serta estimasi biaya total operasional Mountrash di IPB senilai Rp525.800.000 pada tahun pertama; (4) usia dan kondisi fasilitas merupakan faktor yang secara signifikan memengaruhi keputusan menggunakan platform
dc.description.abstractIPB University has collaborated with the Mountrash digital platform in terms of beverage packaging waste management. However, the implementation can be hampered by problems with the level of user participation and facility maintenance. The objectives of this study are: (1) identifying mechanisms and obstacles to beverage packaging waste management on the Mountrash platform at the IPB Dramaga campus; (2) analyze the perception of IPB Dramaga students towards beverage packaging waste management based on digital platforms; (3) estimating the potential economic value in the management of beverage packaging waste by Mountrash IPB at the Dramaga campus; (4) analyze the factors that influence IPB Dramaga students to become Mountrash users. The methods used in this study are quantitative descriptive, logistic regression analysis, and Likert scale. The results showed that (1) the cooperation mechanism between IPB and Mountrash provides benefits for IPB in terms of campus waste management and education to students (2) students have a very good perception of the waste management digital platform in the aspect of sustainability; (3) the potential economic value of managed waste in the period February - September 2023 is IDR 1,134,584 and the potential economic incentives received by individuals are IDR 30,300/year based on user consumption patterns, as well as the estimated total operational costs of Mountrash at IPB worth IDR 525,800,000 in the first year; (4) age and condition of facilities are factors that significantly influence the decision to use the Mountrash
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Potensi Nilai Ekonomi Pengelolaan Sampah Kemasan Minuman Berbasis Platform Digital (Studi Kasus: Mountrash IPB Dramaga)id
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Potential Economic Value in Beverage Packaging Waste Management Based on Digital Platform (Case Study: Mountrash IPB Dramaga)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcircular economyid
dc.subject.keywordconsumption wasteid
dc.subject.keyworddigitalization of waste managementid
dc.subject.keywordlikert scaleid
dc.subject.keywordwaste exchangeid
Appears in Collections:UT - Resources and Environmental Economic

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