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Title: Perbandingan Penghitungan Dana Pensiun Menggunakan Metode Projected Unit Credit Tipe Constant Dollar dan Constant Percent
Other Titles: Comparison of Pension Fund Calculation Using The Projected Unit Credit Method of Constant Dollar Type and Constant Percent Type
Authors: Erliana, Windiani
Septyanto, Fendy
Az-Zahra, Fatimah
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Program dana pensiun merupakan program yang pesertanya akan mendapatkan pembayaran secara berkala oleh perusahaan dana pensiun saat peserta program memasuki usia pensiun. Dalam penelitian ini, dihitung besar manfaat pensiun, iuran normal, serta kewajiban aktuaria untuk dua orang peserta yang memiliki jumlah masa kerja yang berbeda. Penghitungan aktuaria yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode projected unit credit tipe constant dollar dan tipe constant percent. Selain itu, dilakukan perbandingan antar kedua metode. Hasil penghitungan menunjukkan bahwa semakin lama masa kerja peserta, maka besar manfaat pensiun, total iuran normal, serta kewajiban aktuaria semakin besar. Iuran normal tipe constant dollar awalnya lebih besar dari tipe constant percent, namun menjelang memasuki usia pensiun besar iuran normal tipe constant percent meningkat. Kewajiban aktuaria tipe constant dollar lebih besar dari pada tipe constant percent.
The pension fund program is a program where pension plan participants will get regular payments by pension fund companies when program participants enter retirement age. This study calculated the amount of pension benefits, normal cost, and actuarial liability for two participants who entered the pension plan at different ages, or participants who had different amounts of working periods. The actuarial calculation used in this study uses the projected unit credit method of constant dollar type and constant percent type. Also, a comparison is made between these two types of methods. The calculation results show that the longer the participant's working period, the bigger the amount of pension benefits, the total normal cost, as well as the actuarial liability. The normal cost of the constant dollar type was initially bigger than the constant percent type, but before entering the age of retirement, the normal cost of the constant percent type increased. The actuarial liability of the constant dollar type is bigger than the percent constant type.
Appears in Collections:UT - Actuaria

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