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Title: Strategi Manajemen Lanskap untuk Meningkatkan Optimalisasi Ruang Terbuka Hijau Publik pada Taman Kota Purwokerto
Other Titles: Landscape Management Strategy to Improve Optimization of Public Green Open Space in Purwokerto City Park
Authors: Kaswanto, Regan Leonardus
Arifin, Nurhayati Hadi Susilo
Fitriana, Annisaa Farah
Issue Date: 10-Jan-2024
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) Kabupaten Banyumas mengembangkan taman kota di Kota Purwokerto dalam program pengembangan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) 2021-2025. Meskipun ada pengembangan dan optimalisasi yang sudah ada di tahun 2021-2022, namun perlunya evaluasi kondisi taman kota tersebut supaya sesuai aturan dan kebijakan yang berlaku. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi manajemen lanskap taman kota, menganalisis persepsi dan preferensi pengunjung taman kota di Kota Purwokerto, menganalisis persepsi dan preferensi stakeholder terhadap RTH publik di Kota Purwokerto dan menganalisis tingkat pengaruh dan kepentingan stakeholder terhadap RTH Publik di Kota Purwokerto. Hasilnya digunakan untuk menyusun strategi manajemen lanskap untuk meningkatkan optimalisasi RTH publik pada taman kota Purwokerto. Metode yang digunakan: analisis deskriptif kualitatif, deskriptif kuantitatif, uji Chi-Square, dan analisis Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT). Manajemen lanskap keempat taman kota yang diamati di Kota Purwokerto telah dilaksanakan dengan baik, namun diperlukan peningkatan jumlah tenaga kerja kegiatan pemeliharaan. Pada hasil penilaian kesesuaian pohon di ketiga taman kota dikategorikan sesuai dan satu taman kota cukup sesuai. Lalu hanya Taman Mas Apung Kemambang yang memiliki ketersediaan dan kondisi fasilitas yang memiliki ruang aktivitas yang banyak. Berdasarkan hasil uji Chi-Square, latar belakang responden dengan materi persepsi dan preferensi signifikansi terbanyak adalah "pekerjaan" dimana persepsi terkait faktor jarak menjadi penentu untuk berkunjung lalu memberi penilaian, begitu juga preferensi dalam memilih kualitas pengelolaan taman kota. Hasil persepsi dan preferensi stakeholder terhadap RTH publik di Kota Purwokerto sebagian besar memiliki persepsi dan preferensi positif terhadap RTH publik di Kota Purwokerto. Hasil analisis tingkat pengaruh dan kepentingan stakeholder dalam mendukung manajemen RTH publik di Kota Purwokerto menunjukkan bahwa perlunya peningkatan sinergi. Pemerintah tergolong Key Player, Komunitas Banyumas Humanity Volunteer (BHV), tokoh masyarakat, dan Swasta tergolong Subject. Kemudian media Suara Purwokerto tergolong Bystander. Hasil SWOT pada matriks Internal-Eksternal (IE) yaitu hold and maintain. Rekomendasi yang telah disusun antara lain: sosialisasi akan pentingnya RTH publik, mengoptimalkan RTH publik yang ada untuk mewadahi berbagai kegiatan dan kebutuhan masyarakat, regulasi meningkatkan pengawasan RTH, menghindari pemakaian bahan kimia pada taman, mengajak masyarakat berpartisipasi lebih aktif dan memberikan wadah untuk menyampaikan saran dan pendapat penyelenggaraan RTH, penguatan sinergi dukungan aktor pengelola RTH, menambah tugas pekerja untuk mengontrol perkerasan taman kota, menambah ketersediaan tanaman dan fasilitas taman yang kurang, menambah tenaga kerja taman, pemanfaatan penggunaan teknologi interaktif taman.
The Environment Office (DLH) of Banyumas Regency developed a city park in Purwokerto City in the 2021-2025 Green Open Space (RTH) development program. Although there are developments and optimizations that already exist in 2021-2022, it is necessary to evaluate the condition of the city park to be in accordance with applicable rules and policies. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the management of the urban park landscape, analyze the perceptions and preferences of visitors to city parks in Purwokerto City, analyze stakeholder perceptions and preferences towards public RTH in Purwokerto City and analyze the level of influence and importance of stakeholders on Public RTH in Purwokerto City. The results are used to develop landscape management strategies for optimizing public RTH in Purwokerto city parks. Methods used: qualitative descriptive analysis, quantitative descriptive, Chi-Square test, and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis. The landscape management of the four city parks observed in Purwokerto City has been well implemented, but an increase in the number of maintenance activity workers is needed. In the results of the suitability assessment, tree vegetation in the three city parks is categorized as appropriate and one city park is quite appropriate. Then only Taman Mas Apung Kemambang has the availability and condition of facilities that have a lot of activity space. Meanwhile, based on the results of the Chi-Square test, the background of respondents with the most material perceptions and significance preferences is "work" where perceptions related to distance factors determine to visit and then give an assessment, as well as preferences in choosing the quality of city park management. The results of stakeholder perceptions and preferences mostly have positive perceptions and preferences towards public RTH in Purwokerto City. The results of the analysis of the level of influence and interest of stakeholders in supporting public RTH management in Purwokerto City show that there is a need to increase synergy. The government is classified as Key Player, Banyumas Humanity Volunteer (BHV) Community, community leaders, and Private is classified as Subject. Then Suara Purwokerto media classified as Bystander. SWOT result on the Internal-External (IE) matrix is hold and maintain. Recommendations include: socialization of the importance of public RTH, optimizing existing public RTH to accommodate various activities and community needs, regulations to increase RTH supervision, avoiding the use of chemicals in parks, inviting the community to participate more actively and providing a forum to opinions on RTH implementation, strengthening synergy of support for RTH management actors, increasing the duty of workers to control city park pavements, increase the availability of plants and garden facilities that are lacking, increase the garden workforce, utilize the use of interactive garden technology.
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture

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