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Title: Efek anabolik dan androgenik ekstrak heksana buah okra(Abelmoschusesculentus L.Moench)
Authors: Roewiem, Anna P
Syafriati, Siti
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: The analyse of genetic variety was done through 14 samples of timor deer (Cervus timorensis) from South East Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara Timur by using PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) tehnique. Observation method were (1) Total DNA isolation, (2) Quality of DNA evaluation, (3) Amplification of genome Mitochondrial DNA D-Loop region, (4) Cutting by restriction enzyme, (5) Analyse PCR result and its cutting and (6) Data analyse. Amplification D-Loop region of deer mitochondrial DNA was done by a pair of primers. CTDF primer (5'-TAA TAT ACT GGT CTT GTA AAC C-3') stick to threonin tRNA and CTDR primer (5'- GGC TGG CAC GAG ATT TAC CAA CCC-3') stick to 12SrRNA region. Amplification through all deer samples gave a fragment, which is sized 1340 bp. Base on reference sequence data, the fragment that's got, sized 1437 bp. There are 97 bp diversities, these were caused by sequence reference using RNA, RNA, tRNA Phe and a half of 12SrRNA came from another species, that was Muntiacus reevesi (Gene-Bank, access code NC_004069) and it's not from timor deer because the fragment basic data wasn't available. Further amplification result was cut by six kinds of restriction enzyme, which is cutting enzyme four bases HaelII (GG-CC), HapII (C/CGG), Alul (AGCT) and Rsal (GT-AC) and cutting enzyme six bases BamHI (G-GATCC) and EcoRI (GAATTC). The samples gave monomorphic cutting result, we can also say, it's not detected a variation to D-Loop region of timor
Appears in Collections:UT - Chemistry

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