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dc.contributor.advisorKhotijah, Lilis-
dc.contributor.advisorFassah, Dilla Mareistia-
dc.contributor.authorLiuz, Davin-
dc.description.abstractTransportasi merupakan salah satu tahapan penting dalam bisnis peternakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dampak suplementasi niacinamide terhadap konsumsi pakan, hematologi, dan glukosa darah pada fase pemulihan sapi Madura pasca transportasi jarak jauh selama 18 jam. Penelitian ini menggunakan 14 ekor sapi Madura pejantan dengan bobot badan (224,64±13,1 kg), yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok perlakuan dengan masing-masing 7 ulangan (n=7). Perlakuan terdiri dari P0 = kontrol, dan P1 = niacinamide 1000 mg ekor-1 hari-1. Sapi diobservasi selama 28 hari pasca-transportasi. Parameter yang diukur, yaitu konsumsi pakan, profil hematologi darah, dan kadar glukosa darah. Data dianalisis menggunakan repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) dan analisis t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi niacinamide sebesar 1000 mg ekor-1 hari-1 pada sapi Madura menurunkan monosit pada minggu pertama, dan memperbaiki hematokrit pada minggu kedua. Konsumsi BK, glukosa darah, dan profil hematologi darah pasca-transportasi kecuali jumlah limfosit dan basofil mengalami perbaikan selama masa pemeliharaan. Disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi 1000 mg ekor-1 hari-1 niacinamide berpengaruh terhadap profil darah, namun, tidak terhadap konsumsi sapi Madura pasca
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study was to investigate the effects of niacinamide on the recovery rate of Madura beef cattle after long distance transportation. Fourteen Madura bulls (BW 224.64 ± 13.1 kg) were equally divided into two treatments, i.e., control and niacinamide supplementation. The cattle were transported on the same truck for 18 hours and were observed for 28 days after transportation. After transportation, cattle were fed either control or 1000 mg head-1 day-1 niacinamide supplemented diet. The parameters observed were feed intake, blood glucose level, and hematology profile. Repeated measures ANOVA and t-test was used to analyze the data. Niacinamide supplementation of 1000 mg head-1day -1 did not affect feed intake, hematology profile, and blood glucose level except PCV and monocyte count. Time affects feed intake, blood glucose, and hematology profile except for lymphocytes and basophyle count. In conclusion, 1000 mg head-1 day-1 niacinamide supplementation affects blood profile but not feed
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleSuplementasi Niacinamide terhadap Profil Darah dan Konsumsi Sapi Madura Pasca Transportasiid
dc.title.alternativeEffect of Niacinamide Supplementation on Hematology Profile and Feed Consumption of Madura Cattleid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordglukosa darahid
dc.subject.keywordkonsumsi pakanid
dc.subject.keywordprofil darahid
dc.subject.keywordpemulihan pasca transportasiid
dc.subject.keywordsapi maduraid
dc.subject.keywordblood glucoseid
dc.subject.keywordblood profileid
dc.subject.keywordfeed intakeid
dc.subject.keywordmadura cattleid
dc.subject.keywordpost-transport recoveryid
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science and Feed Technology

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