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Title: Kinerja Irigasi Tetes pada Pembibitan Kopi Arabika
Authors: Pramuhadi, Gatot
Maulana, Sidik
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Irigasi tetes merupakan salah satu irigasi yang banyak digunakan pada pertanian karena air yang disalurkan pada irigasi ini langsung mengarah ke area perakaran tanaman atau permukaan tanah. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis kinerja irigasi tetes dan membandingkan dengan kinerja penyiraman konvensional menggunakan gembor. Terdapat 12 perlakuan yang diterapkan yaitu kombinasi dua perlakuan irigasi (irigasi tetes dan penyiraman menggunakan gembor), dua perlakuan air untuk irigasi (air saja serta campuran air dan nutrisi), dan tiga komposisi media tanam (tanah, campuran tanah dan sekam, serta campuran tanah, sekam, dan pupuk kandang). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan irigasi tetes (air dan nutrisi) menghasilkan pertumbuhan bibit kopi paling baik diantara perlakuan lainnya. Irigasi tetes memiliki debit air sebesar 0,534 liter/menit dengan persentase nilai efisiensi pemakaian air sebesar 75,15%. Perlakuan irigasi tetes (air dan nutrisi) pada media tanam tanah, campuran tanah dan sekam, serta campuran tanah, sekam, dan pupuk kandang berurutan memiliki pertambahan tinggi tanaman sebesar 2,93 cm, 2,53 cm, dan 1,60 cm, pertambahan diameter batang sebesar 0,64 mm, 0,49 mm, dan 0,42 mm, serta jumlah daun sebanyak 11,33 helai, 12 helai, dan 8,67 helai. Komposisi media tanam yang lebih lengkap memiliki pertumbuhan lebih rendah karena memiliki nilai derajat keasaman (pH) media tanam yang lebih rendah dimana nilai pH media tanam tanah sebesar 5,42, nilai pH media tanam campuran tanah dan sekam sebesar 5,03, dan nilai pH media tanam campuran tanah, sekam, dan pupuk kandang sebesar 4,56. Biaya produksi per bibit pada perlakuan irigasi tetes sebesar Rp6.450,06/bibit hingga Rp7.119,14/bibit. Biaya produksi per bibit pada perlakuan penyiraman menggunakan gembor sebesar Rp3.873,13/bibit hingga Rp4.645,20/bibit.
Drip irrigation is one of the most widely used irrigation methods in agriculture because the water channeled in this irrigation goes directly to the plant root area or soil surface. The study aimed to analyze the performance of drip irrigation and compare it with the performance of conventional watering using a watering can. There were 12 treatments applied, namely a combination of four watering treatments (drip irrigation (water), drip irrigation (water and nutrients), watering using a paddle (water), and watering using a paddle (water and nutrients)) and three compositions of planting media (soil, a mixture of soil and husks, and a mixture of soil, husks, and manure). The results showed that the drip irrigation treatment (water and nutrients) produced the best growth of coffee seedlings among other treatments. Drip irrigation has a water discharge of 0.534 liters/minute with a percentage of water use efficiency value of 75.15%. Drip irrigation treatment (water and nutrients) on soil, soil and husk mixture, as well as soil, husk, and manure mixture sequentially had plant height increase of 2.93 cm, 2.53 cm, and 1.60 cm, stem diameter increase of 0.64 mm, 0.49 mm, and 0.42 mm, as well as the number of leaves of 11.33 strands, 12 strands, and 8.67 strands. The composition of the more complete planting media has lower growth because it has a lower acidity (pH) value of the planting media where the pH value of the soil planting media is 5.42, the pH value of the soil and husk mixture planting media is 5.03, and the pH value of the soil, husk, and manure mixture planting media is 4.56. The cost of seedling production in the drip irrigation treatment amounted to Rp6.450,06/seedling to Rp7.119,14/seedling. The cost of seedling production in the watering treatment using a watering can amounted to Rp3.873,13/seedling to Rp4.645,20/seedling.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering

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