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Title: Strategi Distribusi BBM Subsidi Solar di Papua Pasca Pengembangan Daerah Otorita Baru
Other Titles: Strategi Distribusi BBM Subsidi Solar di Papua Pasca Pengembangan Daerah Otorita Baru
Authors: Fahmi, Idqan
Safari, Arief
Halim, Abdul
Issue Date: 20-Dec-2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Papua resmi dimekarkan menjadi empat wilayah yaitu Papua,Papua Tengah, Papua Pegunungan, dan Papua Selatan efektif Juni 2022. Penyediaan dan pendistribusian BBM bersubsidi ke setiap daerah memiliki tantangan tersendiri, cuaca yang tidak menentu, kontur tanah tidak padat, sungai yang dangkal dan kurangnya infrastruktur menyebabkan biaya operasi yang sangat tinggi. Selain menyediakan BBM bersubsidi, Pertamina juga harus menjual BBM nonsubsidi agar dapat bersaing di pasar dengan perusahaan asing yang menjual BBM nonsubsidi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi kebutuhan BBM Subsidi Solar, kapasitas penyediaan, jaringan distribusi dan menganalisis permasalahan pendistribusian, serta mendapatkan prioritas strategi rantai pasokan yang optimal dan efisien pada penyediaan dan pendistribusian BBM Subsidi Solar di Provinsi Papua, Papua Tengah, Papua Pegunungan dan Papua Selatan. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif, dan data yang digunakan merupakan gabungan dari data primer dan sekunder. Data primer diperoleh melalui wawancara dan observasi, dan data sekunder diperoleh dari BPH Migas, PT. Pertamina Patra Niaga, penelitian kepustakaan, jurnal dan literatur lainnya. Data yang diperoleh di analisis dengan menggunakan peramalan permintaan, analisis lingkungan eksternal (PESTEL), analisis lingkungan internal (rantai nilai) dan analisis lingkungan industri (SWOT). AHP dan analisis pemrograman linier (LP) digunakan untuk mendapatkan strategi prioritas dan validasi terhadap prioritisasi strategi. Peramalan kebutuhan BBM Subsidi Solar menggunakan analisis peramalan (forecasting) time series dan exponential smoothing mendapatkan kebutuhan BBM Subsidi Solar sampai dengan tahun 2025 dalam satuan kilo liter adalah 89.246 (Papua), 11.967 (Papua Pegunungan), 64.052 (Papua Selatan) dan 52.452 (Papua Tengah). Total kapasitas tangki di TBBM Utama sebesar 55.022 kilo liter dan ratarata stok BBM Solar sebesar 29.427 kilo liter per bulan. Total kapasitas tangki TBBM Hub sebesar 37.029 kilo liter dan rata-rata stok BBM Solar sebesar 33.574 kilo liter per bulan yang tersebar di empat provinsi mencukupi untuk menyimpan dan memasok kebutuhan BBM Subsidi Solar ke masing-masing SPBU dengan total kebutuhan sebesar 11.610 kilo liter per bulan. Begitu juga dengan kapasitas moda transportasi sebesar 37.328 kilo liter mencukupi untuk mendistribusikan BBM Subsidi Solar ke SPBU. Prioritasisasi strategi dari Matriks TOWS menggunakan AHP, didapatkan strategi mengoptimalkan jaringan distribusi dan menurunkan biaya operasional menjadi prioritas utama yang diharapkan dapat mengatasi permasalahan keterlamatan distribusi dari TBBM Hub ke SPBU. Prioritas utama ini diperkuat oleh hasil pemograman linier dimana dengan optimalisasi moda transportasi daratdengan kapasitas 5 KL dan 10 KL berpotensi mengurangi biaya transportasi dengan tidak merubah rute atau jalur pendistribusian.
Papua has officially been divided into four regions, namely Papua,Central Papua, Highlands Papua, and South Papua effective June 2022. The supply and distribution of subsidized fuel to each region has its own challenges, unpredicted weather, terrain, shallow rivers and the lack of infrastructure lead to very high operation cost. Apart from providing subsidized fuel, Pertamina must also sell nonsubsidized fuel in order to present in market competion among foreign companies that sell non-subsidized fuel in Indonesia. This research aims to estimate the demand for subsidized diesel fuel, supply capacity, distribution network and analyze distribution problems, as well as obtain optimal and efficient supply chain strategy priorities for the supply and distribution of subsidized diesel fuel in the provinces of Papua, Middle Papua, Highlands Papua and South Papua. The scope of this research is descriptive qualitative and quantitative, and the data used is a combination of primary and secondary data. Primary data was obtained through interviews and observations, and secondary data was obtained from BPH Migas, PT. Pertamina Patra Niaga, library research, journals and other literature. The data obtained was analyzed using demand forecasting, external environmental analysis (PESTEL), internal environmental analysis (value chain) and industrial environmental analysis (SWOT). AHP and linear programming (LP) analysis are used to obtain priority strategies and validate strategy prioritization. Forecasting the demand for subsidized diesel fuel using time series forecasting analysis and exponential smoothing. The demand for subsidized diesel fuel up to 2025 obtained in kilo liter units is 89,246 (Papua), 11,967 (Highlands Papua), 64,052 (South Papua) and 52,452 (Middle Papua), the total tank capacity at TBBM Utama is 55,022 kilo liters and the average stock of diesel fuel is 29,427 kilo liters per month. The total capacity of the TBBM Hub tank is 37,029 kilo liters and the average diesel fuel stock is 33,574 kilo liters per month spread across four provinces, sufficient to store and supply the demand for subsidized diesel fuel to each gas station with a total requirement of 11,610 kilo liters per month. Likewise, the capacity of transportation modes is 37.328 kilo liter, sufficient to distribute subsidized diesel fuel to gas stations. A priority strategy selection resulted from TOWS Matrix by AHP is strategy to optimize the distribution network and reduce operational costs as the main priority which is expected to overcome the problem of distribution network from Hub Terminal to gas stations. The selected priority subsidized diesel fuels distribution strategy is supported by the results of linear programming where by optimizing land transportation mode with capacity of 5 KL and 10, the transportation costs is potentially reduced without changing routes or distribution network.
Appears in Collections:MT - Business

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