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Title: Penapisan Senyawa Aktif berdasarkan Aktivitas Biologis dan Spektroskopi NMR dari Tunikata dan Karang Lunak Asal Raja Ampat
Other Titles: Screening of Active Compounds based on Biological Activities and NMR Spectroscopy of Tunicates and Soft Corals from Raja Ampat
Authors: Hanif, Novriyandi
Mohamad, Kusdiantoro
Zahra, Vira Amanda
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Raja Ampat merupakan salah satu daerah di Indonesia yang terletak di pusat wilayah segitiga terumbu karang dan termasuk lokasi dengan biodiversitas laut terkaya di dunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan menapis lapisan etil asetat dari tunikata dan karang lunak asal Raja Ampat berdasarkan data aktivitas hayati dan spektrum NMR ¹H. Penapisan berdasarkan aktivitas dengan Artemia salina menunjukkan hasil baik sekali (faktor-Z = 0,88). Lapisan etil asetat tunikata Lissoclinum patella terpilih memiliki toksisitas terampuh (LC50 = 2,436 ± 0,345 µg/mL) terhadap A. salina dan menyebabkan malformasi mayor pada sumbu tubuh dan edema perikardial pada embrio ikan zebra (Danio rerio) pada konsentrasi 3 µg/mL. Tunikata Clavelina zobustra menunjukkan aktivitas selektif terhadap bakteri Gram negatif Klebsiella pneumoniae (1300 µg/mL atau 260 µg/disk) dengan zona hambat 8,75 ± 0,5 mm. Spektrum NMR ¹H sampel menunjukkan keberadaan beragam gugus fungsi dan substruktur berasal dari terpenoid, alkaloid, peptida, dan poliketida.
Raja Ampat is one of the regions in Indonesia located in the center of the coral reef triangle and one of the locations with the richest marine biodiversity in the world. The aim of this study was to screen ethyl acetate layers from tunicates and soft corals from Raja Ampat based on biological activity data and ¹H NMR spectra. Biological activity screening using Artemia salina was proven as an excellent assay (Z-factor = 0,88). The selected ethyl acetate layer of tunicate Lissoclinum patella showed the most potent toxicity (LC50 = 2,436 ± 0,345 µg/mL) against A. salina and caused major malformations in the body axis and pericardial edema of zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio) at 3 µg/mL concentration. Tunicate Clavelina zobustra showed a selective antibacterial activity against Gram-negative bacteria Klebsiella pneumoniae (1300 µg/mL or 260 µg/disk) with an inhibition zone of 8,75 ± 0,5 mm. The ¹H NMR spectra of the sample showed the presence of various functional groups and substructures derived from terpenoids, alkaloids, peptides, and polyketides.
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Appears in Collections:UT - Chemistry

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