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Title: Evaluasi Kecernaan In Vitro Ransum dengan Suplementasi Probiotik dan Asam Amino Lisin Terproteksi pada Ruminansia
Other Titles: Evaluation of In Vitro Digestibility of Supplementation of Probiotic and Protected Lysine for Ruminants
Authors: Permana, Idat Galih
Fitri, Ainissya
Ryandana, Rosa Aisya
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi ransum dengan penambahan probiotik dan asam amino lisin terproteksi secara in vitro. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial 2 (penambahan probiotik) × 4 (penambahan lisin terproteksi). Asam amino lisin terproteksi terbuat dari lisin yang dicampur tanin dengan level berbeda. Perlakuan pada penelitian berupa L0 sebagai kontrol, L1-L3 dengan penambahan lisin terproteksi dengan level tanin yang berbeda, serta dengan atau tanpa penambahan probiotik. Parameter yang diamati pada penelitian diantaranya pH, konsentrasi amonia, kecernaan bahan kering, kecernaan bahan organik, kinetika dan produksi gas, serta produksi gas metan. Data dianalisis menggunakan analysis of variance (ANOVA) dan hasil yang signifikan (P<0,05) akan diuji lanjut menggunakan uji Duncan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa penambahan probiotik memberi pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap nilai pH, konsentrasi amonia, dan total produksi gas. Penambahan lisin terproteksi tanin berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi metan. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penambahan probiotik mampu meningkatkan aktivitas mikroba rumen dan penambahan lisin terproteksi tanin pada level tinggi dapat menekan produksi metan.
This study aimed to evaluate supplementation of probiotics and ruminally protected lysine in in vitro digestibility. This study used a factorial randomized block design 2 (the probiotics) × 4 (the protected lysine) with five replications of in vitro incubation run as blocks. The protected lysine was made from lysine mixed with different levels on tannins. Thus, the treatments were L0 as control, L1-L3 as addition of three types of the protected lysine, and with or without the addition of the probiotic. Parameters observed were pH, ammonia concentration, dry matter digestibility, organic matter digestibility, kinetics and gas production, and methane gas production. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and significant results (P<0,05) were further tested using Duncan's test. The results showed that the addition of probiotics had a significant effect on pH values, ammonia levels, and total gas production. The addition of the protected lysine had a significant effect on the production of methane gas. The conclusion of the research was the addition of probiotics can increase rumen fermentability of the ration and the protected lysine with high tannin levels can suppress methane gas production.
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science and Feed Technology

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