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Title: Penggunaan Booster Kantong Berumpan pada Alat Tangkap Trammel net di Teluk Palabuhanratu
Other Titles: Utilization of Bait Bag Boosters in Trammel net Fishing Gear in Palabuhanratu Bay
Authors: Zulkarnain
Wahju, Ronny Irawan
Abidin, Rifanal
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Hasil tangkapan trammel net di Palabuhanratu cenderung mengalami penurunan. Salah satu alternatif yang dapat digunakan adalah dengan penggunaan umpan yang mengandung asam amino untuk membantu penangkapan sebagai perangsang utama dalam proses penciuman ikan. Namun belum ada informasi mengenai penggunaan umpan pada trammel net. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan komposisi hasil tangkapan, menentukan pengaruh penggunaan umpan dan mengestimasi penerimaan trammel net perlakuan dan kontrol. Penelitian dilakukan di Teluk Palabuhanratu menggunakan metode experimental fishing sebanyak 30 setting. Hasil tangkapan pada piece trammel net perlakuan sebesar 56,49 kg dan piece kontrol sebesar 37,30 kg. Hasil tangkapan dominannya yaitu udang jerbung (Penaeus merguensis), rajungan bintang (Portunus sanguinolentus), dan pepetek (Leiognathus equulus). Produktivitas per-piece perlakuan lebih besar dibandingkan kontrol dengan masing-masing sebesar 0,47 kg/piece dan 0,32 kg/piece. Persentase produksi trammel net piece perlakuan lebih besar dibandingkan piece kontrol dan terjadi peningkatan penerimaan hasil tangkapan jaring trammel net perlakuan terhadap kontrol.
Trammel net catches in Palabuhanratu have declined significantly. One alternative that can be used as solution is using bait containing amino acids to help catch the fish by stimulate fish's olfactory sensor. There is still no information regarding the use of bait in trammel nets. This research aims to compare the composition of catches, determine the effect of using bait and estimate the revenue beetween trammel nets experimental and control. The research was conducted in Palabuhanratu Bay using experimental fishing methods with the total 30 settings. The total catch experimental trammel net piece was 56.49 kg and the control piece was 37.30 kg. The dominant catches for experimental nets are jerbung shrimp (Penaeus merguensis), star crab (Portunus sanguinolentus), and pepetek (Leiognathus equulus). The productivity per piece of the experimental net was greater than the control with respective values of 0.47 kg/piece and 0.32 kg/piece. The percentage of production of treated trammel net pieces was greater than that of the control pieces and there was an increase in revenue from the treated trammel net net catches compared to the control.
Appears in Collections:UT - Fisheries Resource Utilization

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