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dc.contributor.advisorHerlina, Lien-
dc.contributor.authorHakim, Arief Rakhman-
dc.description.abstractThe growth of the industrial world increasingly fast apparently had an impact on social and environmental problems. The emergence of awareness of environmental problems trigger the industry to deliver the marketing concept which emphasizes environmental issues, or more commonly known as green marketing. One of the market participants who implement a green marketing strategy is a mini market Serambi Botani-Botani Square, Bogor. Researcher identify the attributes that applied in the green marketing strategies with methods of observation and interviews with the Serambi Botani. The result determine that the attribute which applied Serambi Botani in the application of green marketing is composed of green input; composition of the product, raw material characteristics, the presence of preservatives, and organic agricultural raw materials. Attributes of green process; efficient energy use, waste production processes, and endurance (durability) of the product. Attributes of green output includes; biodegradable packaging, green labeling, product innovation, design room, displays of wood products, grafity persuasive, and shades of natural green. In addition there are supporting attribute / used to attract additional customers but there are not part of the green marketing is the existence of TV information, labeling of IPB, and product samples for hedonic test. This study aims to analyze the relationship between attributes of green marketing influence on consumer purchasing decisions. This research is explorative by using the questionnaire as a tool to collect data with the number of respondents were 85 respondents. Test samples used were descriptive analysis, Second Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis (2ndCFA), and Fishbein attitude model. Based on the results obtained that Serambi Botani has applied proper positioning and targeting, namely as a pioneer store on the quality of health products, natural, hygienic, and free from chemicals. Positioning accuracy of the product and provide satisfaction to customers has resulted Serambi Botani avoid from green marketing myopia. It can be known from the characteristics of consumers who receive a positive stimulus to buy in Serambi Botani. From the analysis 2ndCFA known that consumers are more influenced by attributes of green output with a coefficient of influence, green input attributes by coefficient of influence 0.83, and supporting attributes with influence coefficient 0.63. Green attributes as well as the influence of the process with coefficient - 0.22. Based on test Thitung know that the green input attributes, green output, and supporting attributes significantly influence on purchase decisions. While green process attribute does not affect significantly of product purchase decisions by consumers…id
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)id
dc.subject.ddcAgricultural technologyid
dc.subject.ddcAgroindustrial technologyid
dc.titleAnalisis pengaruh penerapan konsep green marketing terhadap keputusan pembelian produk di serambi botani, Botani Square - Bogorid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordGreen marketingid
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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