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Title: Deteksi Simian T-Lymphotropic Virus Tipe 1 (STLV-1) pada Macaca fascicularis di Penangkaran Dramaga dan Pulau Tinjil
Authors: Perwitasari, RR Dyah
Saepuloh, Uus
Rosalind, Febe
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Monyet ekor panjang (Macaca fascicularis) merupakan salah satu inang alami dari virus Simian T-Lymphotropic Virus Tipe 1 (STLV-1) yang kerap digunakan sebagai model studi biomedis dan pengembangan vaksin. Deteksi STLV-1 pada M. fascicularis di penangkaran perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan hewan bebas dari virus tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeteksi, mengidentifikasi dan menghitung prevalensi STLV-1 pada M. fascicularis di Penangkaran Dramaga dan Pulau Tinjil. Sebanyak 38 sampel DNA M. fascicularis asal Penangkaran Dramaga dan 85 sampel DNA arsip asal Pulau Tinjil digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Amplifikasi DNA dengan teknik polymerase chain reaction (PCR) dilakukan menggunakan primer Enh280 dan 5PTLR. Selanjutnya dilakukan perhitungan prevalensi STLV-1, perunutan nukleotida sampel positif dan analisis bioinformatika. Hasil amplifikasi PCR menunjukkan prevalensi STLV-1 pada M. fascicularis di Penangkaran Dramaga adalah nol (0/38), sedangkan sampel asal Pulau Tinjil diperoleh 27 sampel yang positif dengan prevalensi 37,77% (27/85). Hasil perunutan nukleotida sekuensing dan analisis bioinformatika terhadap lima sampel positif menunjukkan bahwa sekuen tersebut terkonfirmasi sebagai STLV- 1. Berdasarkan pohon filogenetik STLV-1 pada sampel berkerabat dengan HTLV- 1 dan membentuk clade PTLV-1 yang menandakan kesamaan nenek moyang.
Long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) are the natural host of Simian T-Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 (STLV-1) and are widely used as a model in biomedical research and vaccine development. The detection of STLV-1 in captive M. fascicularis populations is imperative to ascertain the absence of this virus in the animals. This study aims to detect, identify, and calculate the prevalence of STLV-1 from M. fascicularis in Dramaga Captive Breeding and Tinjil Island. A total of 38 M. fascicularis DNA samples from Dramaga Captive Breeding and 85 archival DNA samples from Tinjil Island were used in this research. DNA amplification was performed using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique using Enh280 and 5PTLR primers. The prevalence of STLV-1 was calculated, five presumptive positive samples were sequenced and then analyzed using bioinformatic programs. Based PCR amplification results indicated an absence of STLV-1 infection (0/38) in M. fascicularis from the Dramaga Captive Breeding; meanwhile, 27 presumptive positive samples were detected from Tinjil Island, resulting in a prevalence of 37,77% (27/85). The nucleotide sequences alignment and bioinformatic analysis of five positive samples confirmed their identity as STLV-1. Based on the phylogenetic tree, the STLV-1 isolates from Tinjil Island are related to HTLV-1 and form a PTLV-1 clade, suggesting a common ancestry.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biology

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