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Title: Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kinerja Kader dalam Penanganan Stunting di Desa Pabuaran Kabupaten Bogor
Other Titles: Factors Related to the Performance of Cadres in Handling Stunting in Pabuaran Village Bogor Regency
Authors: Sadono, Dwi
Setyaningtias, Zharfa Chaerunisa
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kader posyandu merupakan ujung tombak utama dalam memasyarakatkan pengetahuan mengenai kesehatan, salah satunya terkait isu stunting. Seorang kader yang baik dapat tercermin dari kinerjanya. Akan tetapi, beberapa penelitian menunjukkan kinerja kader masih rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mendeskripsikan tingkat kinerja kader posyandu dalam penanganan stunting, dan (2) menganalisis hubungan karakteristik kader, kualitas pelatihan, kompetensi komunikasi interpersonal, dan motivasi dengan kinerja kader dalam penanganan stunting. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sensus dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan didukung data kualitatif dengan responden sebanyak 36 orang kader posyandu di Desa Pabuaran, Kabupaten Bogor yang diambil secara sensus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kinerja kader posyandu dalam penanganan stunting berada pada kategori sedang. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa pekerjaan, lama menjadi kader, tingkat pengetahuan, intensitas pelatihan, kompetensi komunikasi interpersonal, dan motivasi ekstrinsik berhubungan nyata dengan kinerja kader posyandu dalam penanganan stunting.
Posyandu cadres are the main spearhead in disseminating knowledge about health, one of them is the issue of stunting. A good cadre can be reflected from their performance. However, several studies have shown that the performance of cadres is still low. The purpose of this study are to (1) describe the performance level of posyandu cadres in handling stunting, and (2) analyze the relationship between cadre characteristics, training, interpersonal communication competence, and motivation with cadres' performance in handling stunting. This study used a census method with a quantitative approach and supported by qualitative data with 36 posyandu cadres in Pabuaran Village, Bogor Regency who were taken by census. The results of the study show that the performance level of posyandu cadres in handling stunting is in the moderate category. This study also shows that job, years of service, level of knowledge, training intensity, interpersonal communication competence, and extrinsic motivation are significantly related to the performance of posyandu cadres in handling stunting.
Appears in Collections:UT - Communication and Community Development

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