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Title: Tegangan permukaan dan aktivitas inhibitor tirosinase in vitro pada minyak nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum L.).
Authors: Syaefudin
Andrianto, Dimas
Kusnaedi, Anggi
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Minyak nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum L.) merupakan tanaman obat tradisional yang multifungsi, kaya akan asam lemak dan metabolit sekunder yang baik untuk kulit, serta minyak nyamplung diprediksi secara in silico memiliki aktivitas penghambatan tirosinase. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi aktivitas inhibitor tirosinase sebagai pencerah kulit melalui uji in vitro dan mengukur nilai tegangan permukaan pada minyak nyamplung. Pengukuran tegangan permukaan minyak nyamplung diukur dengan metode cincin du-Nouy menggunakan alat tensiometer. Pengukuran aktivitas inhibisi tirosinase pada minyak nyamplung diukur dengan metode spektrofotometri menggunakan microplate reader pada panjang gelombang 479 nm selama inkubasi 40 menit pada suhu 37 °C dan dievaluasi melalui nilai persen inhibisi yang diperoleh. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh nilai tegangan permukaan minyak nyamplung sebesar 41,83 ± 0,76 mN/m. Aktivitas penghambatan tirosinase pada minyak nyamplung diproleh persen inhibisi tertinggi sebesar 83,75% ± 0,41, sementara itu asam kojat sebagai kontrol positif memiliki persen inhibisi tertinggi sebesar 84,59% ± 2,04. Simpulan penelitian ini minyak nyamplung dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku dalam pembuatan surfaktan alami dan juga berpotensi sebagai inhibitor tirosinase.
Nyamplung oil (Calophyllum inophyllum L.) is a multifunctional traditional medicinal plant, rich in fatty acids and secondary metabolites that are good for skin, and nyamplung oil is predicted in silico to have tyrosinase inhibitory activity. This study aimed to evaluate the activity of tyrosinase inhibitors as skin lightening agents through in vitro tests and to measure the surface tension value of nyamplung oil. The surface tension of nyamplung oil was measured by the du-Nouy ring method using a tensiometer. The measurement of tyrosinase inhibition activity in nyamplung oil was measured by the spectrophotometric method using a microplate reader at a wavelength of 479 nm during a 40 minute incubation at 37 °C and evaluated by the percentage inhibition value obtained. Based on the results, the surface tension value of nyamplung oil was 41.83 ± 0.76 mN/m. Tyrosinase inhibitory activity in nyamplung oil obtained the highest percentage inhibition of 83.75% ± 0.41, while kojic acid as a positive control had the highest percentage inhibition of 84.59% ± 2.04. This research concludes that nyamplung oil can be used as a raw material in the production of natural surfactants and also has the potential as a tyrosinase inhibitor.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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