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Title: Uji Sifat Kristal dan Optik Film Tipis Stronsium Titanat (SrTiO3) Terdadah Tembaga Menggunakan Metode Spektrofotometri
Other Titles: Characterization the Crystal and Optical Properties of Copper Doped Strontium Titanate (SrTiO3) Thin Films Using Spectrophotometry Method
Authors: Irzaman
Alatas, Husin
Santi, Maya Ary
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Film tipis Stronsium Titanat (SrTiO3) didadah dengan variasi konsentrasi Tembaga (0%; 0,5%; dan 1%) berhasil disintesis dengan metode Chemical Solution Deposition (CSD). Film dideposisikan diatas substrat Si tipe-p (1 0 0) sebanyak lima lapis menggunakan teknik spin coating (3000 rpm, selama 60 detik) dengan konsentrasi 2M. Proses annealing ditahan pada suhu 850 oC selama 8 jam dengan kelajuan peningkatan suhu sebesar 1,67 oC/menit, kemudian uji sifat kristal dan optik menggunakan metode spektrofotometri. Uji menggunakan XRD, baik metode Cramer-Cohen dan Rietveld MAUD menunjukkan struktur kristal tetap berbentuk kubus dan terjadi penurunan parameter kisi. Hasil FTIR menggunakan relasi Kramers-Kronig diperoleh penurunan bilangan gelombang mode vibrasi fonon TO, LO, perpotongan dielektrik real (Ɛ1) dan imajiner (Ɛ2) yang menunjukkan terjadinya red shift terhadap penambahan konsentrasi pendadah Tembaga (Cu). Uji Spektrofotometer UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang < 380 nm meningkatkan serapan foton dan panjang gelombang ≥ 380 nm meningkatkan reflektansi foton, dari metode Kubelka-Munk dengan relasi Tauc Plot diperoleh energi celah pita berturut-turut 3,44 eV; 3,05 eV; 3,04 eV.
Strontium Titanate (SrTiO3) thin films doped with various concentrations of Copper (0%; 0,5%; and 1%) were successfully synthesized using the Chemical Solution Deposition (CSD) method. The films were deposited on Si type-p (1 0 0) substrate in five layers using a spin coating technique (3000 rpm, for 60 s) with a concentration of 2M. The annealing process was held at 850 oC for 8 hours with a temperature increase rate of 1,67 oC/min, then the crystal and optical properties were characterized using spectrophotometric methods. Characterization using XRD, both Cramer-Cohen and Rietveld MAUD methods showed crystal structure remained cubic and decreased lattice parameters. The result of FTIR using the Kramers-Kronig relation obtained a decrease in the wave number of TO, LO, real (Ɛ1) and imaginary (Ɛ2) dielectric intersections which showed a red shift towards the addition of Copper (Cu) concentrations. Spectrophotometer UV-Vis showed at wavelengths <380 nm increased photon absorption and wavelengths ≥ 380 nm increased photon reflectance, from the Kubelka-Munk method with Tauc Plot relations obtained band gap energy respectively 3,44 eV; 3,05 eV; 3,04 eV
Appears in Collections:UT - Physics

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