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Title: Karakteristik Kelistrikan Film Tipis BaTiO3 Didadah Rutenium di atas Substrat Silikon Tipe-p
Other Titles: Characteristic of BaTiO3 Thin Films Electricity Doped with Ruthenium on Type-P Silicone Substrate
Authors: Syafutra, Heriyanto
Liydia, Wulan Ananda
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Film tipis Barium Titanat (BaTiO3) telah berhasil dibuat dengan menggunakan metode Chemical Solution Deposition (CSD) dan Spin Coating. Dalam penelitian ini telah dibuat film BaTiO3 didadah Ru dengan variasi konsentrasi pendadah 0%, 0,5%, dan 1%. Film tipis tersebut dideposisikan di atas substrat silikon tipe-p (100). Film tipis BaTiO3 melalui tahap annealing pada suhu 850oC ditahan selama 8 jam dengan kelajuan kenaikan suhu sebesar 1,67oC/menit, kemudian mengalami proses pendinginan 12 jam. Film tipis BaTiO3 didadah Ru dikarakterisasi sifat listriknya dengan menggunakan I-V meter, dan Space Charge Limited Current (SCLC). Kurva I-V menunjukkan bahwa film tipis memiliki karakteristik dioda dan responsif terhadap perubahan intensitas radiasi cahaya. Peningkatan konsentrasi pendadah Ru menyebabkan nilai saturasi meningkat, sedangkan nilai potensial penghalang menurun. Penambahan konsentrasi pendadah Ru secara linear menyebabkan kenaikan nilai mobilitas muatan. BaTiO3 didadah Ru memiliki sifat kelistrikan dan responsif terhadap cahaya.
Barium Titanate (BaTiO3) thin films have been successfully created using Chemical Solution Deposition (CSD) Method and Spin Coating. In this research, BaTiO3 films are doped with Ru with concentration variants of 0%, 0,5%, and 1%. Those thin films are deposited above a silicon substrate type-p (100). BaTiO3 films are through annealing process at 850°C and held for 8 hours with temperature rise rate of 1,67°C/minutes, then undergoes a cooling process for 12 hours. BaTiO3 doped with Ru were characterized by their electrical properties with I-V Meter, and Space Charge Limited Current (SCLC). The curve from I-V meter shows that thin films have diode characteristics and responsive to change in the intensity of light radiation. The increase of doped concentration of Ru causes the saturation value to also increase, meanwhile the potential value of the barrier decreases. The addition of doped concentration of Ru linearly causes the increase of load mobility. BaTiO3 doped with Ru has electrical properties and is responsive to light.
Appears in Collections:UT - Physics

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