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Title: Literasi Keuangan, Financial Self-Efficacy, Orientasi Masa Depan dan Theory of Planned Behavior terhadap Minat Investasi Dana Pensiun
Other Titles: Financial Literacy, Financial Self-Efficacy, Future Orientation and Theory of Planned Behaviour of Retirement Fund Interest
Authors: Viana, Eka Dasra
Fadilah, Rindi Anti Nur
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Indonesia memiliki angkatan kerja yang tinggi, namun hanya 6% atau 3.990.234 orang yang menjadi anggota dana pensiun. Berdasarkan survei DPLK tahun 2020 hanya 14% generasi milenial yang memiliki program pensiun, padahal generasi ini paling rentan menghadapi pensiun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat literasi keuangan, financial self-efficacy, orientasi masa depan dan faktor-faktor theory of planned behavior yang memengaruhi minat investasi dana pensiun pada generasi milenial. Data yang digunakan berupa data primer dan sekunder dengan metode analisis menggunakan SEM-PLS. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Jabodetabek pada bulan Maret-Juli 2023. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minat investasi dana pensiun generasi milenial dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh orientasi masa depan, attitude toward behavior, dan perceived behavioral control. Literasi keuangan, financial self-efficacy, dan subjective norm memiliki arah pengaruh positif namun tidak signifikan terhadap minat investasi dana pensiun. Implikasi penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat literasi keuangan, financial self-efficacy, dan orientasi masa depan yang baik akan berdampak positif terhadap minat investasi dana pensiun seseorang. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya upaya untuk meningkatkan literasi keuangan dana pensiun, financial self-efficacy, dan orientasi masa depan pada generasi milenial guna mengajak mereka berinvestasi dana pensiun demi mencapai keuangan yang lebih stabil ketika memasuki masa pensiun.
Indonesia has a high labor force, but only 6% or 3,990,234 people are members of pension funds. Based on a 2020 DPLK survey, only 14% of millennials have a pension plan, even though this generation is most vulnerable to retirement. The purpose of this study is to identify the level of financial literacy, financial self-efficacy, future orientation and theory of planned behavior factors that influence pension fund investment interest in the millennials. The data used are primary and secondary data with the analysis method using SEM-PLS. The research was conducted in Jabodetabek in March-July 2023. The results showed that millennials' pension fund investment interest was significantly influenced by future orientation, attitude towards behavior, and perceived behavioral control. Financial literacy, financial self-efficacy, and subjective norm have a positive but insignificant direction of influence on pension fund investment interest. The implications of this study indicate that a good level of financial literacy, financial self-efficacy, and future orientation will have a positive impact on pension fund investment interest. Therefore, it’s necessary to increase the financial literacy of pension funds, financial self-efficacy, and future orientation in millennials to encourage them to invest in pension funds in order to achieve more stable finances during retirement.
Appears in Collections:UT - Management

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