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Title: Pengaruh Ukuran Benih terhadap Mutu Fisiologis Benih Kacang Hijau
Other Titles: The Effect of Mung Bean Seed Size on the Physiological Quality of Mung Bean Seed
Authors: Zamzami, Ahmad
Pratama, Rama Juang
Issue Date: Aug-2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kacang hijau termasuk salah satu komoditas unggul ekspor tanaman pangan. Upaya untuk meningkatkan produksi kacang hijau harus diimbangi dengan penyediaan benih yang memiliki nilai mutu benih tinggi. Mutu fisik dan mutu fisiologis termasuk dari aspek mutu benih. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh ukuran benih terhadap mutu fisiologis benih kacang hijau pada varietas Vima 1 dan Vima 3. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai Juli 2023. Tempat pelaksanaan penelitian di Laboratorium Pengolahan Benih Seed Center dan Laboratorium Penyimpanan dan Pengujian Mutu Benih, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan faktor tunggal yaitu ukuran benih dengan empat taraf ukuran (besar, sedang, kecil dan campuran). Taraf ukuran campuran berasal dari kondisi awal tanpa pemilahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ukuran benih pada varietas Vima 1 berpengaruh terhadap bobot kering kecambah normal, indeks vigor setelah pengusangan, daya hantar listrik sebelum dan setelah pengusangan. Ukuran benih varietas Vima 3 berpengaruh terhadap indeks vigor setelah pengusangan, daya hantar listrik sebelum dan setelah pengusangan. Benih berukuran besar pada varietas Vima 1 memiliki bobot kering kecambah normal paling tinggi 0,85 g dengan kebocoran membran paling rendah dan nilai daya hantar listriknya 21,70 μS/ cm.g. Benih berukuran besar pada varietas Vima 3 memiliki nilai daya hantar listrik paling rendah disaat sebelum pengusangan 24,44 μS/ cm.g dan setelah pengusangan 18,60 μS/ cm.g. Benih berukuran besar hasil pemilahan dengan air screen cleaner menunjukkan mutu paling baik pada kedua varietas.
Green beans are one of the leading export commodities for food crops. Efforts to increase green bean production must be balanced with the provision of seeds that have high seed quality values. Physical quality and physiological quality are included in the aspect of seed quality. This study aims to analyze the effect of seed size on the physiological quality of mung bean seeds in Vima 1 and Vima 3 varieties. This research was conducted from May to July 2023. The location of the research was the Seed Center Seed Processing Laboratory and Seed Quality Testing and Storage Laboratory, Institute of Agriculture Bogor. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with a single factor, namely seed size with four size levels (large, medium, small, and mixed). Mixed-size levels are derived from the initial conditions without sorting. The results showed that the seed size of the Vima 1 variety had an effect on the dry weight of normal sprouts, the vigor index after being worn out, and the electrical conductivity before and after being worn out. The seed size of the Vima 3 variety has an effect on the vigor index after obsolescence, and electrical conductivity before and after obsolescence. The large seeds of the Vima 1 variety had the highest dry weight of normal sprouts at 0.85 g with the lowest membrane leakage and an electrical conductivity value of 21.70 μS/ cm.g. Large seeds of the Vima 3 variety have the lowest electrical conductivity value before aging 24.44 μS/ cm.g and after aging 18.60 μS/cm.g. Large seeds as a result of sorting with air screen cleaner show the best quality in both varieties.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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