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Title: Induksi Keragaman Karakter Cabai Rawit (Capsicum annuum L.) Genotipe PKHT-CR1 melalui Iradiasi Sinar Gamma
Other Titles: Induction of Character Diversity of PKHT-CR1 Genotypes of Cayenne Paper (Capsicum annuum L.) through Gamma Ray Iradiation
Authors: Sobir
Fathurrohman, Muhammad Iqbal
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Cabai merupakan komoditas hortikultura dengan peran penting dalam perekonomian. Produksi yang stabil dan tinggi dapat diperoleh melalui varietas unggul. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh keragaman daya hasil dan karakter kualitatif mutan cabai CR1. Rancangan percobaan penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak (RKLT) dengan satu faktor yaitu dosis radiasi gamma. Penelitian terdiri atas 4 taraf perlakuan dengan masing-masing 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh perlakuan iradiasi sinar gamma tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap semua karakter yang diamati. Dosis iradiasi 100 Gy, 150 Gy, dan 200 Gy tidak menunjukkan perubahan nilai rata-rata semua karakter secara signifikan. Hasil pengamatan keragaman dosis 100 Gy, 150 Gy, dan 200 Gy menghasilkan keragaman karakter bobot per buah, bobot buah per tanaman dan jumlah buah per tanaman yang tinggi. Perlakuan dosis 150 Gy menghasilkan tiga individu tanaman dengan karakter bobot per buah yang tinggi. Perlakuan dosis 200 Gy menghasilkan empat individu tanaman dengan karakter bobot buah per tanaman dan tiga individu tanaman dengan karakter jumlah buah per tanaman yang tinggi
Chili is a horticultural commodity with an important role in the economy. Stable and high production can be obtained through superior varieties. This study aims to obtain the diversity of yield and qualitative characteristics of CR1 chilli mutants. The experimental design of this study was a completely randomized block design (RKLT) with one factor, namely the dose of gamma radiation. The study consists of four levels of treatment with three replications each. The results showed that all gamma irradiation treatments had no significant effect on all the observed characters. Irradiation doses of 100 Gy, 150 Gy, and 200 Gy did not significantly change the average value of all characters. Results observation of the variation in doses of 100 Gy, 150 Gy, and 200 Gy resulted in a high diversity of characters in weight per fruit, fruit weight per plant, and number of fruits per plant. The 150 Gy dose treatment produced three plants with a high weight per fruit character. The 200 Gy dose treatment produced four plants with the character of fruit weight per plant and three with a high number of fruits per plant.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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