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Title: Karakteristik Morfologi Hati Ayam Cemani (Gallus gallus domesticus)
Other Titles: Morphological Characteristic of Cemani Chicken Liver (Gallus gallus domesticus)
Authors: Novelina, Savitri
Setiadi, Dedi Rahmat
Camilla, Putri Syifa
Issue Date: 28-Aug-2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari morfologi hati ayam cemani (Gallus gallus domesticus) secara makroanatomi dan mikroanatomi. Penelitian ini menggunakan organ hati dari tiga ekor ayam cemani betina. Pengamatan makroanatomi untuk mempelajari morfometri yang meliputi panjang, lebar dan berat organ hati. Pengamatan mikroanatomi dilakukan dengan menggunakan pewarnaan Haematoxylin-Eosin, untuk mengamati morfologi sel hati. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriprif. Hasil dari pengamatan makroanatomi menunjukkan warna hati adalah merah kecoklatan dengan rata – rata bobot hati sebesar 19.3±2.5 gram. Hati terbagi menjadi lobus dextra dan lobus sinistra. Pengamatan mikroanatomi menunjukkan hati diselaputi oleh jaringan ikat longgar pada permukaannya, kemudian terdapat kapsula Glisson. Di setiap lobulus hati terdapat vena centralis, cabang dari vena porta hepatica, cabang dari arteri hepatica, dan ductus choledochus. Parenkim hati terdiri dari hepatosit dan sinusoid. Sel – sel non parenkim yang terdapat di hati adalah sel Kupffer dan sel endotel. Sel pigmen melanin pada parenkim hati ditemukan dalam jumlah yang sedikit, sebagian besar pigmen melanin terdapat di sekitar vena porta, arteri hepatica, dan ductus choledochus
This research aims to study the morphology of the liver of cemani chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) macroanatomically and microanatomically. This study used three female Cemani chicken livers. The macroanatomy characteristic was observed to study the organ's morphometry which included the length, width, and weight of the liver. The microscopic characteristic was observed with a Haematoxylin-Eosin stain to observe the morphology of the liver's cells. The acquired data were analyzed descriptively. The result showed that the color of the liver was brownish red with an average weight of 19.3±2.5 grams. The liver was divided into the right lobe and left lobe. The microanatomy observation showed that the liver consisted of loose connective tissue on the surface, underneath the surface there was a Glisson’s capsule. In each lobule, there are central veins, a branch of hepatic portal veins, a branch of the hepatic artery, and a choledochus duct. Hepatic parenchyma consists of hepatocytes and sinusoids. The non- parenchyma cells that were found in the liver were Kupffer cells and endotel cells. Melanin pigment cells was found in the hepatic parenchymal, around the blood vessels in the liver such as the hepatic portal vein, hepatic artery, and the choledochus duct.
Appears in Collections:UT - Anatomy, Phisiology and Pharmacology

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