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dc.contributor.advisorPuspaningsih, Nining-
dc.contributor.advisorRahaju, Sri-
dc.contributor.authorFebrianti, Bella-
dc.description.abstractPembangunan di wilayah pesisir mengakibatkan degradasi lingkungan dan terancamnya kelestarian sumber daya alam pesisir khususnya hutan mangrove. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengalanisis tingkat kerapatan tutupan tajuk di lapang dan perubahan tingkat kerapatan hutan mangrove. Analisis tutupan lahan hutan mangrove menggunakan metode klasifikasi digital maximum likelihood dan visual, analisis kerapatan menggunakan indeks vegetasi citra SPOT 6 tahun 2016, 2019, dan 2022. Nilai persentase tutupan tajuk dan LAI di lapangan menggunakan metode hemispherical photography. Nilai ini digunakan untuk uji akurasi tingkat kerapatan hutan mangrove. Uji akurasi menunjukan hasil overall accuracy sebesar 83,33% pada NDVI dan SAVI. Indeks NDVI digunakan pada analisis perubahan luas tingkat kerapatan hutan mangrove tahun 2016-2019-2022, perubahan tingkat kerapatan sedang menjadi rapat seluas 4,327 ha (29%). Tahun 2019-2022, terjadi penurunan luas pada tingkat kerapatan rapat menjadi sedang yaitu seluas 6,471 ha (45%). Tahun 2016-2022 seluas 3,754 ha (26%) terjadi perubahan tingkat kerapatan jarang menjadi
dc.description.abstractCoastal development leads to environmental degradation and threatens the preservation of coastal natural resources, particularly mangrove forests. This study aims to analyze the canopy cover density in the field and changes in mangrove forest density levels. The analysis of mangrove forest land cover employs digital classification methods, specifically maximum likelihood and visual analysis. Density analysis utilizes vegetation indices from SPOT 6 imagery for the years 2016, 2019, and 2022. The percentage values of canopy cover and Leaf Area Index (LAI) in the field are determined using the hemispherical photography method. These values are used to test the accuracy of mangrove forest density levels.The accuracy test results show an overall accuracy of 83.33% for both NDVI and SAVI indices. The NDVI index is used in analyzing changes in the extent of mangrove forest density from 2016 to 2019 to 2022, with a transformation from moderate to dense density levels covering an area of 4.327 ha (29%). From 2019 to 2022, there is a decrease in the extent of dense density areas, transforming into moderate density levels, covering an area of 6.471 ha (45%). Additionally, from 2016 to 2022, a significant change occurs, with an area of 3.754 ha (26%) transitioning from sparse to moderate density
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Perubahan Tingkat Kerapatan Hutan Mangrove Menggunakan Indeks Citra SPOT 6 di Kawasan Tambak Sawah Luhur, Bantenid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Changes in Mangrove Forest Density Levels Using SPOT 6 Image Indices in Tambak Sawah Luhur, Bantenid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordhemispherical photographyid
dc.subject.keywordindex algorithmsid
Appears in Collections:UT - Forest Management

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