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Title: Desain Perbaikan Proses Pengolahan Kopi sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Green Bean Robusta Kelompok Tani AMANAT Desa Nanggung
Other Titles: Design of Coffee Processing Improvement as an Effort to Increase the Quality of Green Bean Robusta Farmer Group AMANAT Nanggung Village
Authors: Fahma, Farah
Purwoko, Purwoko
Atiqah, Sayyidah
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Peningkatan kualitas produk merupakan salah satu upaya dalam keberlanjutan agroindustri kopi rakyat. Kelompok Tani AMANAT Desa Nanggung terpilih sebagai usaha kopi tani yang potensial untuk dikembangkan. Proses pengolahan kopi oleh petani Kelompok Tani AMANAT Desa Nanggung masih menghasilkan green bean yang belum memenuhi standar SNI dan termasuk kategori mutu asalan sehingga perlu dilakukan perbaikan. Metode yang digunakan terdiri dari eksplorasi, pendefinisian masalah, ideasi, pengembangan prototipe dan validasi. Hasil dari penelitian berupa prototipe desain proses pengolahan pascapanen metode natural yang sudah diperbaiki tahapannya dan proses pengolahan metode honey. Perbaikan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan penambahan proses sortasi basah, perpanjangan lama waktu pengeringan, dan pemaksimalan proses sortasi kering. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, green bean hasil perbaikan metode natural dan metode honey dapat memenuhi syarat mutu umum SNI Biji Kopi dengan kategori mutu grade 1.
Improving product quality is one of the efforts in the sustainability of the people's coffee agro-industry. The AMANAT Farmer Group in Nanggung Village was selected as a potential farming coffee business to be developed. The coffee processing by AMANAT Farmer Group farmers in Nanggung Village still produces green bean that does not meet SNI standards and belongs to the category of random quality, so improvements need to be made. The method used consists of exploration, problem definition, ideation, prototype development and validation. The results of the research are in the form of a design prototype for post-harvest processing using the natural method which has improved its stages and the processing using the honey method. Improvements made are by adding a wet sorting process, extending the drying time, and maximizing the dry sorting process. Based on the results of the research, green beans resulting from the improvement of the natural method and the honey method can meet the general quality requirements of SNI Coffee Beans with grade 1 quality category.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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