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Title: Ragam Jenis Lipas Blattella spp. (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) dan Deteksi Bakteri pada Saluran Pencernaannya di Kampus IPB Dramaga dan Sekitarnya
Other Titles: Diversity of Cockroach Blattella spp. (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) and Detection of Bacteria in Their Digestive Tracts in Campus and Area Around IPB Dramaga
Authors: Soviana, Susi
Supriyono, Supriyono
Nurkholifah, Indah Dwi
Issue Date: Aug-2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Lipas di dalam lingkup kesehatan memiliki peran penting sebagai vektor mekanik dari berbagai bakteri patogen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ragam jenis, derajat infestasi lipas Blattella spp. di kampus IPB Dramaga dan sekitarnya serta ragam jenis bakteri yang terdapat di dalam saluran pencernaannya. Lipas dikoleksi secara manual di permukiman komunal, keluarga, dan kandang. Lipas dikelompokkan berdasarkan parameter lingkungan yaitu tingkat kebersihan, kelembapan, dan pencahayaan. Saluran pencernaan lipas diperoleh melalui pembedahan abdomen untuk dilakukan uji PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction). Deteksi bakteri dengan target gen 16S rDNA menggunakan primer 61F dan 1227R. Identifikasi kelimpahan bakteri didukung dengan NGS (Next Generation Sequencing). Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan dua jenis lipas, yaitu Blattella germanica dan Blattella nipponica. Derajat infestasi B. germanica tergolong rendah, sedangkan B. nipponica sangat tinggi di luar rumah. Deteksi bakteri menggunakan PCR menunjukkan hasil negatif, namun hasil NGS ditemukan lima bakteri dominan di dalam saluran pencernaan B. germanica, yaitu Christensenellaceae R-7 group (27%), Dysgonomonas (6%), Alistipes (4%), Desulfovibrio (3%), dan RF39 (1%).
Cockroach in the health sphere have an important role as mechanical vectors of various pathogenic bacteria. This study aims to learn the variety of species, the level of cockroach infestation of Blattella spp. at the campus and area around IPB Dramaga and the variety of bacteria species found in the digestive tract. Cockroach were collected manually in communal settlements, families, and cages. Cockroach were grouped based on environmental parameters of cleanliness, humidity and lighting. The digestive tract of cockroach was obtained through abdominal dissection for PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test. Bacteria detection targeted 16S rDNA gene using 61F and 1227R primers. Identification of bacteria was also supported by NGS (Next Generation Sequencing). The identification results showed two types of cockroach, namely Blattella germanica and Blattella nipponica. The degree of B. germanica infestation was low, while that of B. nipponica was very high in the outdoor. Bacteria detection using PCR showed negative results, however the NGS results found five dominant bacteria in the digestive tract of B. germanica, namely Christensenellaceae R-7 group (27%), Dysgonomonas (6%), Alistipes (4%), Desulfovibrio (3%), and RF39 (1%).
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Disease and Veterinary Health

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