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Title: Hubungan Kebiasaan Konsumsi Junk Food, Aktivitas Fisik, dan Status Gizi dengan Usia Menarche pada Remaja Putri
Other Titles: Correlation between Junk Food Eating Habits, Physical Activity, and Nutritional Status with Age of Menarche in Female Adolescents
Authors: Kustiyah, Lilik
Rachman, Purnawati Hustina
Avianti, Alya Putri
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis hubungan antara kebiasaan konsumsi junk food, aktivitas fisik, dan status gizi dengan usia menarche pada remaja putri. Desain penelitian adalah comparative cross sectional yang melibatkan 60 subjek (menarche cepat dan menarche normal masing-masing 30 orang). Frekuensi konsumsi junk food total kedua kelompok subjek (93,3%) termasuk sering (≥ 7 kali per minggu). Asupan energi junk food total kedua kelompok subjek (70,0%) termasuk kategori tinggi (≥244 kkal per hari). Kontribusi energi junk food pada total kedua kelompok subjek (91,7%) termasuk kategori tinggi (>7,3%). Aktivitas fisik subjek pada kedua kelompok termasuk dalam kategori ringan (90,0%). Sedangkan status gizi kedua kelompok subjek termasuk dalam status gizi normal (70,0%). Usia menarche ibu pada kelompok menarche cepat adalah signifikan lebih rendah dibandingkan menarche normal. Terdapat hubungan signifikan (p=0,016, OR=4,375) antara usia menarche ibu dengan usia menarche subjek, yakni usia menarche ibu cepat meningkatkan risiko 4,375 kali usia menarche cepat dibandingkan menarche normal. Namun tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara kebiasaan konsumsi junk food, aktivitas fisik, dan status gizi dengan usia menarche subjek. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan sumbangan energi dari junk food adalah tidak signifikan, namun perlu diperhatikan jenis dan jumlahnya agar tidak berlebihan.
This study aimed to analyze the correlation between junk food eating habits, physical activity, and nutritional status with age of menarche in female adolescents. A comparative cross-sectional design of this study involved by 60 subjects (early menarche and normal menarche both 30 subjects). All subjects in both groups (93.3%) categorized as frequent junk food consumption (≥7 times/week). The junk food energy intake of both groups (60.0%) were high (≥244 kcal/day). Likewise, the energy contribution of junk food in both groups (91.7%) were high (>7.3%/day). Physical activity in both groups were classified as light (90.0%). Meanwhile the nutritional status of both groups were categorized as normal (70.0%). Mother’s age of menarche significantly earlier in early menarche subjects than normal menarche subjects. There was a significant correlation (p=0.016, OR=4.375) between the mother’s and subject’s age of menarche, which was increased risk of early menarche on daughter 4.375 times. However, there was no significant correlation between junk food eating habits, physical activity, and nutritional status with subject’s age of menarche. The result indicated that energy contribution of junk food was not significant, but it was necessary to pay attention the type and amount of junk food thus it will not be excessive.
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science

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