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Title: Desain Tata Letak Tempat Pengolahan Sampah 3R di Kecamatan Ciampea dan Mitra Daur Ulang X
Other Titles: Layout Design of 3R Waste Processing Facility in Ciampea District and Recycling Partner X
Authors: Ismayana, Andes
Suprihatin, Suprihatin
Kamila, Rania Rosa
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kecamatan Ciampea belum memiliki sistem pengolahan sampah lebih lanjut sehingga langsung ditransportasikan ke TPA. Penerapan model ekonomi sirkular berbasis konsep 3R (reuse, reduce, recycle) dalam sistem penanganan sampah dapat membantu mengurangi sampah dari sumbernya serta memaksimalkan pemanfaatan sampah menjadi produk bernilai tambah sehingga dapat meminimalkan jumlah sampah yang terbuang di TPA. Salah satu cara penerapan konsep 3R adalah dengan mendirikan fasilitas pengolahan sampah 3R (TPS 3R) yang mengolah sampah organik menjadi pupuk dengan larva Black Soldier Fly (BSF) serta sampah plastik menjadi cacahan terintegrasi dengan mitra X yang akan menambah fasilitas pengolahan biji plastik di tempat usaha daur ulangnya. Perancangan tata letak TPS 3R dan fasilitas pengolahan biji plastik mitra X menggunakan algoritma Computerized Relationship Layout Planning (CORELAP) untuk menghasilkan tata letak baru yang belum ada sebelumnya. Hasil perancangan tata letak fasilitas pengolahan sampah 3R (TPS 3R) kapasitas 2,5 ton diperoleh kebutuhan 14 ruangan kerja dengan luas dimensi yang diperlukan sebesar 339 m² . Sementara hasil perancangan penambahan fasilitas pengolahan biji plastik kapasitas 5 ton di tempat usaha daur ulang X dibutuhkan 4 ruangan pengolahan dan penyimpanan biji plastik dengan total luas 397m².
There is no advanced waste processing system in Ciampea District, leading to direct transportation to landfill disposal at TPA. Implementing a circular economy model based on the 3R concept (reuse, reduce, recycle) in waste management can reduce waste at the source and maximize the utilization of waste to create value-added products, thus minimizing the amount of waste disposed of in the landfill. One way to apply the 3R concept is by establishing a 3R waste processing facility (TPS 3R) that converts organic waste into fertilizer using Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae and plastic waste into shredded pieces. This facility will be integrated with a recycling partner X that will process plastic waste into plastic pallets. The layout design of the 3R Waste Processing Facility and X's plastic seed processing facilities will use the Computerized Relationship Layout Planning (CORELAP) algorithm to create a new layout. Based on the design, TPS 3R with a capacity of 2.5 tons waste per day requires 14 workrooms with a total area of 339 m². Meanwhile, the additional plastic seed processing facilities at X's recycling business location with a capacity of 5 tons requires 4 processing and storage rooms with a total area of 397 m²
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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