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Title: Desain Sistem Koleksi dan Transportasi Sampah dalam Rangka Penerapan Ekonomi Sirkular di Kecamatan Ciampea
Other Titles: Design of Waste Collection and Transportation System for Circular Economy Implementation in Ciampea District
Authors: Suprihatin
Parameswari, Anneke Triya Galuh
Issue Date: Aug-2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Sampah adalah bahan sisa makhluk hidup yang harus dikelola secara komprehensif dan terpadu. Pengelolaan sampah di Kecamatan Ciampea merupakan masalah nyata yang kini sedang dihadapi akibat adanya peningkatan jumlah penduduk yang mengakibatkan peningkatan timbulan sampah yang dihasilkan. Permasalahan mengenai pengumpulan dan transportasi sampah di Kecamatan Ciampea juga perlu dievaluasi akibat adanya peningkatan timbulan sampah tersebut. Hal ini menjadi dasar tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pengelolaan sampah yang telah dilakukan di Kecamatan Ciampea serta mendesain pengelolaan maupun penenempatan TPS dan TPS 3R di beberapa desa di Kecamatan Ciampea. Data primer yang digunakan diperoleh melalui metode sampling yang dilakukan pada sekolah, instansi, toko dan perumahan yang ada di Kecamatan Ciampea. Data sekunder yang diperoleh dari pihak terkait digunakan untuk menunjang hasil perhitungan data primer. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat timbulan sampah sebesar 22,8 ton/hari dengan komposisi sampah di Kecamatan Ciampea terdiri dari 51% organik yang berasal dari sisa makanan 36%, sampah kertas 14% dan dedaunan 2%, sedangkan sampah plastik sebesar 45% dengan komposisi plastik PP 10%, PE 26%, PET 4%, dan multilayer 5% lalu sampah lainnya 4%. Sampah yang dapat dikelola dengan adanya pembangunan TPS 3R adalah 12,1 ton/hari.
Waste is the residual material of living things that must be managed in a comprehensive and integrated manner. Waste management in Ciampea Sub-district is a real problem that is currently being faced due to an increase in population which results in an increase in the amount of waste generated. Problems regarding waste collection and transportation in Ciampea Sub-district also need to be evaluated due to the increase in waste generation. This is the basis for the objectives of this study, namely to determine the waste management that has been carried out in Ciampea District and to design the management and placement of TPS and TPS 3R in several villages in Ciampea District. The primary data used was obtained through a sampling method carried out at schools, agencies, shops and housing in Ciampea District. Secondary data obtained from related parties is used to support the results of primary data calculations. The results of data processing show that there is a waste generation of 22.8 tons / day with the composition of waste in Ciampea District consisting of 51% organic originating from 36% food waste, 14% paper waste and 2% foliage, while plastic waste is 45% with a plastic composition of PP 10%, PE 26%, PET 4%, and multilayer 5% and other waste 4%. The waste that can be managed with the construction of TPS 3R is 12.1 tons/day.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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